Why Choose Solar Panel Cleaning to Keep It Functional?

John Milford
Solar Water Wind
Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2020

The reason why solar panels are so popular these days is simple — homeowners can reap benefits of the sun’s energy to create the cleanest energy possible. If you are thinking of installing a solar power system in Lake Haven, it is important for you to know how to keep it clean and maintained to make the most out of social energy.

solar power system Lake Haven

The more the solar panels remains exposed to the sunlight, the more solar energy will be produced. This is why solar panels are better placed upward towards the sun. Unfortunately, most homeowners think that installing solar panels is the only task. However, solar panel system cleaning is the most important commitment to make. Without having your solar panel system properly cleaned and maintained, it will be of no use.

Is It Important to Clean Solar Power Panels?

Yes! Solar power panels seek proper cleaning and maintenance as well. Cleaning helps panels to be in good working condition, increasing their performance. The efficiency of solar panels does increase after regular cleaning. The cells of the solar panels require consistent cleaning to protect and keep up their life span.

It will also help you to check the panels to ensure they are sound. Cleaning solar panels regularly means they will last longer for years to come.

Is It Viable to Get a Solar System for Home Gets Cleaned Naturally?

Some homeowners assume rain will clean the solar panels naturally; hence there is no need for manual cleaning. Rainwater is not clean and it will cause the film to appear on solar panels, leaving pollutants behind.

Precautions to Take

  1. When it comes to cleaning a solar power system, there are certain important things to take care of. You want to check the directions set for cleaning by the manufacturer while cleaning the solar panel.
  2. Try cleaning the panels during early morning or late night, because panels remain hot during sunlight.
  3. Fill a bucket with soap and warm water to clean the panels. Using a soft cloth piece for washing the solar panel is easier and more feasible.

How Many Times Does a Solar Panel Need to be Cleaned in a Year?

It depends on where your house is and what the solar panels are exposed to. In case your house is in an area where rain is limited, it will cause more dirt particles to accumulate on the panels. this is why homeowners are recommended to clean their solar panels annually, preferably during spring when pollutants in the air are relatively lower.

It is the best way to find out whether or not the panels are in need of cleaning by keeping an eye on power.

Now that you have an overview of how important solar panel cleaning is, it is better to start with the installation of one, if you have not any.

