Launch of the the Cyber Solar Heroes (NFTs)

Wilhelm Myrer
Published in
3 min readMar 11, 2023

Cyber Solar Heroes is a story about a group of superheroes who use solar energy to fight for the green shift. Solar energy is a clean and renewable source of energy that can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and fight climate change. These superheroes use their powers to promote solar energy and inspire people to make the switch to renewable energy. Cyber Solar Heroes is a new and innovative way to promote solar energy and inspire people to make the switch to renewable energy. By using solar energy, we can help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and move towards a cleaner, more sustainable future.



Cyber Solar Heroes are NFTs that fund new solar energy parks and could potentially be a very effective way to promote the shift towards green energy and increase awareness of the importance of renewable sources of power. The Cyber Solar Heroes holders are the premium members of the SolarDAO and will also earn a significant $Solar airdrop.

100% of mint (less costs of art creation & fees estimated to around 5-10%) & 50% of royalties goes to setting up solar power plants owned by the Solar DAO. This is done through purchasing $WattPeak - a kind of solart backed stable-coins being backed by 1 Wp solar production capacity (parts of solar panels connected to the grid).

  • All revenue from solar parks that originate from the minting will go back to the NFT holders in the way of investing in more solar power plants (building more and more cash-generating assets behind each NFT, the amount of $WattPeak per NFT will increase over time)
  • Actual solar assets will be held through the solar backed tokens called $WattPeak, which opens up the opportunity for DAO to also distribute these directly to the NFT holders
  • There might be new NFTs for new solar parks in the future. Existing holders would always have WL for new ones and could choose to expand their revenue generating assets or not
  • We’ll keep track of each site, location, production etc live on the dash-boards


CyberSolarHero NFT holders will get a $Solar Airdrop between 1000–10,000 $Solar (Osmosis Frontier) per NFT depending on traits. Airdrops will be portioned out during the coming months to avoid dumping. The holder at the time will receive the airdrop = HODL.

1/10 of the $Solar will be released to the holder of each NFT every month over 10 months when 100% is reached. The total $Solar Airdrop = The Solar Power of your #CyberSolarHero NFT — somewhere from 1,000 to 10,000!

Be aware that $solar prices might shift significantly within that period. This is a DAO token for people pushing the green shift and solar energy.

The team will work to also secure other airdrops and WLs in the future.

Price: 4000 $Stars (Max 5) // WL Price 3600 $Stars (Max 5)

Number of CSH NFTs: 500

Mint: WL 1PM CET, 12 March, 2023 — Public: 7PM CET 13 March.

WL: For Cyber Plastic Hero holders, CyberHuahua Holders and $Solar stakers (into both LPs and Solar DAO)

Where? On, Cosmos
More specifcially: right here:


