The $WattPeak ($WP) White Paper (WP), prelude

The Era of Sound Money

Wilhelm Myrer
2 min readMar 17, 2023


Are you tired of a monetary system that constantly fails to serve its intended purpose?

Today’s money is not sound, and it is plagued with issues that hinder its ability to function as a reliable medium of exchange, a store of value, and a unit of account. From inflation and deflation to currency manipulation and centralization, the flaws in today’s monetary system are undeniable. It’s time for a change, and blockchain technology is paving the way for that change.

Imagine an asset that combines the stability of sound money, the long-term value of a store of value, and the passive income of a yield-generating asset.

An asset that is backed by renewable energy production and powered by blockchain technology. An asset that not only supports a sustainable future but also provides a practical option for daily transactions.

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to $WattPeak ($WP), the revolutionary token by SolarDAO ($SOLAR) that is about to change the game of money forever.

With decentralized digital currencies and innovative tokens like $WattPeak ($WP) by SolarDAO, we can finally disrupt the status quo and build a better future. Let’s leave the inefficiencies and limitations of traditional money behind and embrace a more equitable and sustainable system.

And what about $Solar itself? It is backed by all $WP related fees for minting and staking as well as all royalties from the Cyber Solar Heroes NFT, and also the revenue and treasury of the $SolarDAO, currently worth a lot more than the $Solar market cap…

#LFG #MoneyDisruption #Blockchain #Decentralization #Sustainability #Innovation #WattPeak #SolarBankDAO

Change is coming

