4 ways to tell children about the importance of energy saving

Solar DAO
Solar DAO
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2018


As you know, the problem of reasonable energy distribution is growing every year: the cost of electricity becomes higher, the usual classic power plants are in crisis. A careful attitude to electricity and renewable energy is the only way to meet the needs of the world’s population in the future, without harm to the environment. In this article, we will tell you how to teach children to use energy efficiently.

Knowledge means power

When your child begins to be interested in the environment, be sure to tell him about where the electricity comes from and why home appliances work. Conduct these lessons interestingly and entertaining — you can find special educational books, websites, and even cartoons. We advise you to get children’s literature about waste disposal and the wise use of water and electricity in everyday life. You can also find exciting materials about the greenhouse effect in a simple language understandable for children — with illustrations and easy terms.


Give each child an individual responsibility. Invite the children to make a list of eco-rules that will be observed by the whole family. Let someone control the light in the house — whether other family members turned off the electricity, going for a walk. Another child can control the allocation of garbage so that other family members do not make mistakes, separate the plastic from the paper in time, and also collect it for recycling. This way will allow children to become more confident, being part of a very important business — caring for the environment. They will be very pleased to occasionally remind parents of the rules and feel more grown up :).

Family traditions

Think of special events for your family to save electricity and water, that you will spend on a monthly basis. It can be an inspection of your home for ecological reasons — whether unnecessary electrical appliances are turned on, whether the electricity limit has been exceeded for the previous month, maybe its time to replace some devices with more environmentally friendly ones.

A great idea for a family day is an evening without electricity. Assign a specific day in which you turn off all electrical appliances at home. At this time, you can play board games with the whole family, walk to the park or even better — plant trees! Such an amusement is very useful for children — kids will rely on their imagination, and your family will receive a great tradition. Moreover, you can not limit yourself to one day, but to arrange a whole week without electricity. Why not go camping at this time?

Become a perfect example

Show on personal experience how important it is to conserve natural resources — is the most important stage in the formation of correct thinking of your child. Take it seriously to saving electricity, save money by using eco-friendly devices and installed solar panels in your home. Follow the technological developments and be sure to tell the children what’s new happening in the world on the way to a green future. Remember, only you can help future generations become more caring towards nature.
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