Efficient energy storage and future PVS by Solar DAO

Solar DAO
Solar DAO
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2018

The solar power station is a specially equipped system for converting sunlight into electricity, which is powered by solar modules. At the moment, Solar Energy is one of the fastest growing types of renewable energy.

Solar DAO — a tokenized fund designed for everyone to easily participate in PV solar plants construction across the globe. SDAO tokens on: YoBit, Bitafex, Idex.

Solar module + inverter = electricity

The main problem of any renewable energy source is the irregular generation of electricity. Compared with the usual non-renewable sources, peaks of generation and consumption of electricity by users do not match each other. So, wind station works only at a wind, and the maximum power output of PVS is reached in daytime and sunny weather.
Using power storage can solve this problem.
It is important to note that efficient storage is not only storage devices (batteries), but also technical solution, controllers and software.

The main types of drives used are:

  • Acid batteries. Huge in size devices with a short life period and significant losses in conversion and charging.
  • Lithium batteries. A fairly effective option, but still has a huge cost and danger due to heating.
  • Mechanical storage. Work on the principle of raising and lowering the load. Used rarely because of the huge energy loss.
  • Hydrokinetic storage. Electricity is sent to pumps that move water, and then accumulated water potential is used to operate the turbines. The main disatvantage — huge size of buildings.
  • Hydrogen storage. Hydrogen is produced by electrolysis. After it can be converted back to the electricity and heat. The high cost, explosiveness and fire hazard don't allow this method to spread.

Hybrid solutions are also used, which also have their pros and cons.

The main problem of experienced industrial storages — high cost and low capacity, there is practically no technology that is economically profitable. Existing batteries are too expensive and have low efficiency. It means that batteries are more expensive than the PVS themselves.

Last year, SDG&E showed the world’s largest lithium-ion battery energy storage facility. 30 MW energy storage is capable of storing up to 120 MW hours of energy.

The $1 billion solar farm for Riverland is expected to be built in 2018. Riverland Solar Storage’s 330MW solar generation and 100MW battery storage system will be the biggest one for Australia.

And what about Tesla?

For reference: Nowadays Tesla provides two types of power storage systems — Powerwall and Powerpack. The first can be used in residential and small office space, the second — to work in enterprises, cost $ 250 per 1 kW.

Solar DAO and the best solution

The Solar DAO team has been engaged in research and choosing the most profitable engineering solutions for many years. We also come very carefully to the issue of power storage.

Together with our partners, we plan to construct a project with a capacity of about 40 MW in Turkey.

Our partners will help to build the PVS by selecting the appropriate kinetic storages and providing the appropriate support:

  • Nord Systems. Providing development potential, specialized software and information display systems.
  • Atlant Energy. Innovative equipment, kinetic energy storage.
  • Natpromlizing. Financing projects, supporting modernization.
  • Sberenergodevelopment. Full support of the project, selection of technical solutions, financing, assistance in implementation.

After the first successful project in Turkey we plan to do several pilot projects in India and expand this experience to Israel, Germany, Malta, Cyprus.

Stay with the Solar DAO and become part of the green future!

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Solar DAO — a tokenized fund designed for everyone to easily participate in PV solar plants construction across the globe. SDAO tokens on: YoBit, Bitafex, Idex.



Solar DAO
Solar DAO

1st tokenized fund for funding PV solar plants and RES projects across the globe. Join us at: https://solardao.me