Q1'2018 Report — PV Solar Plants Implementation & One More Thing.

Solar DAO
Solar DAO
Published in
4 min readApr 1, 2018

We launch our first group of PV solar plants implementation: 8 MW in Kazakhstan and 1 MW in Portugal. We are also going to distribute additional profit among SDAO token holders. Read more…

1. First solar plants’ implementation begins

We are happy to announce that we launch first group of PV solar plants implementation:

  • Kazakhstan: 0.5 MW + 1 MW + 2.5 MW in the north-west area.
  • Kazakhstan: 0.5 MW + 1 MW + 2.5 MW in the south area.
  • Portugal: 4 x 0.25 MW (1 MW totally) near the town of Loule.

Projects in Kazakhstan require the insurance deposit at the stage of tariff bidding and another one before the (Power Purchase Agreement) PPA is signed (Power Purchase Agreement).

In Portugal we chose additional sites for more solar plants with the help of our Community. We really appreciate such assistance, thank you! As soon as we get permission for the grid connection in the first plant, we could increase the total power capacity.

Since November 2017 and especially during the last 2 months we have been focused on selection of solar projects at a “ready to build” stage for further construction.

We have studied and updated legislation of the following countries: Portugal, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Poland, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Greece, Albania, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Turkey, Iran, Israel and Thailand.

We have studies and reviewed about 30 projects with a single plant capacity from 500 kW to 10 MW, in total over 150 MW.

NOTE: Some projects consist of several parts, like 12 plants by 100 kW, 4 by 1 MW or 35 MW divided by 1.25 MW pieces. They are considered as a single one.

So. Finally, we have made a difficult decision not to purchase project companies offered on the market. Instead, to get the highest return with the lowest risk (as we initially planned), we decided to implement our own projects. It means we are going to save about $50'000 per MW in costs, while the development cost will be lower than $5'000 per MW.

1.1. Projects’ implementation plan (micro roadmap):

Kazakhstan: 4 MW totally in north-west area & 4 MW in south area

  • Company formation in Kazakhstan → in process. We plan to complete it by mid-April.
  • Documents’ preparation to participate in bidding for the tariff, according to the new rules published in March 2018 → in process. To be completed by mid-May.
  • Advertising and PR campaign of planned projects, getting support from local authorities → April-May-June.
  • Public auction → end of May for the north-west zone and early June for the southern zone.
  • Electricity purchase contract signing — until the end of August.
  • External financing attraction for project implementation.
  • Construction, grid connection and commissioning.


  • Getting the connection point and preliminary contract for the Grid connection — in the process. We plan to finish it by the end of April.
  • Company registration, land purchase — May-June.
  • Document preparations for tariff getting — May-June.
  • Competitive selection — specifying the dates.

You can read more information about all the stages and project work here.

2. Additional profit to distribute

We continue our experiment on the sale of solar plants in operation and other profitable proposals. We are packaging them (photography, videography, advertising and so on) and subsequent sale with a success fee (agency commission). If work succeeds, we are to:

  • Attract more investors to the main fund that we form,
  • Get additional funds for the PV projects implementation,
  • Distribute up to 50% of the earnings among the token holders.

After our recent trip to Greece, we made great proposals for the PV solar plants in operation for sale. Check this out:

Also there is a 5.3 MW project in Poland. We considered this project as one of the main for construction in April but the risk level (too high for us today) has forced us to refuse it. Now we want to sell it effectively.

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We strive to do our best for our Community benefit and are always happy to chat with you in our Telegram group. Stay with us, soon we will tell another news. Thanks for your support!

Solar DAO Team



Solar DAO
Solar DAO

1st tokenized fund for funding PV solar plants and RES projects across the globe. Join us at: https://solardao.me