The world’s leading corporations say “Yes!” to Renewable Energy

Dmitriy Solodukha
Solar DAO
Published in
4 min readApr 13, 2018

Recently, the world-famous company Apple reported that it has successfully switched to renewable energy. Now all the shops, offices, data-centers and official Apple’s contractors are serviced 100% by the Green Energy.

8 years ago, only 16% of its facilities were equipped with renewable energy sources. By 2015, this number increased to 93%, then to 96% in 2016. The company’s management actively cooperates with RES project developers, signing supplement contracts and investing in solar and wind plants construction. So, for today Apple uses almost 300 MW of solar generation. Another 15 wind and solar stations will be built soon. 30 generating stations will provide the corporation with 1.4 GW of Green Energy. More than enough.

The main mission of Apple’s “green” policy is to reduce the harmful impact on the Environment. Since 2011 Apple has reduced CO2 emissions by 58% and prevent the atmosphere from 2.2 million tons of poisons. — Fast Company reported.

Apple’s Reno Data-Center. A huge building, the roof of which is fully equipped with solar panels. By the way, it is the exact “home”, where Siri lives :) [Photo: Carlos Chavarria]

RE100. Struggle for a Green Future

In 2016, Apple Inc. has joined the “RE100” global coalition, which is based on world’s largest companies voluntary commitment for the 100% Renewable Transition. Due to common efforts, companies try to prove that provision with the alternative energy is not only possible and necessary but also economically profitable. Measures to achieve this goal:

  • Own generating objects;
  • Purchase of “green” certificates for electricity;
  • Direct interaction with large energy companies;
  • Investing in the green energy objects’ construction.

Today the RE100 initiative has 131 companies in its structure. By 2020, it is planned to increase to 500. More details about the scale of RES investments made by these corporations we will discuss in the next articles. Stay in touch!

Apple is not the only RE100 member, which has crossed the 100% alternative energy border. The RE100 report says that already 28 companies have achieved this goal. Here are some of them:


A great-known company of children’s constructor production reached the goal of 100% green energy last year. This record was set for 3 years ahead of schedule. LEGO was able to achieve this result due to its investments in green generation, the last of which was “the Burbo Bank Extension” wind plant (258 MW). Thus, the company does not meet its needs directly through alternative energy facilities but compensates the grid consumption by investing in wind and solar power plants.

Celebrating the achieved goal and a huge contribution to the Green Energy development, LEGO made a toy wind turbine of 7.5 meters and set another world record.


Since 2010, Google has been actively cooperating with generating companies and investing in new renewable energy projects construction . At the end of last year, the corporation officially announced that it had switched to 100% green energy after signing contracts for a total 3 GW. This energy is enough to provide the services operation.

Google has its own SunRoof service, which is designed to help anyone find the necessary information and equipment to install on your home’s roof. The service itself calculates the approximate cost of modules installing, and shows how much the owner can save in future.

Wells Fargo

We should also mention the financial corporation Wells Fargo. The bank was able to provide itself with green energy in a year, after joining RE100.
The company is known for its huge influence on the alternative energy development. In addition to the fact that Wells Fargo provides project companies with loans for the construction, the bank issues special grants helping to spread RES use all over the world.

Grid Alternatives received a grant from Wells Fargo

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Dmitriy Solodukha
Solar DAO

PV Expert. Entrepreneur. Founder & CEO of Solar DAO and GOTOSOLAR