Total Home Score Teams up with TLCengine

Brenton Sellati
Solaria Labs
Published in
3 min readAug 30, 2018

In January, we announced a new product from Solaria Labs — Total Home Score — at the 2018 Consumer Electronics Show. Total Home Score was built on research that showed nearly 4 in 10 homeowners would reconsider the home they purchased now that they’d experienced the noise levels and traffic/driving patterns around their home. With “livability surprise” affecting so many people in the high-stakes decision of where to live, we knew there must be a better way.

To address this, we created Total Home Score, which provides data-driven livability estimates — by home address — to help consumers estimate aspects of daily living that are often missed during the open house, or would require hours of manual research (e.g., parking outside a home for hours to listen for nuisance noise). You can read more about how and why we built Total Home Score in a separate blog post here.

As we grow the Total Home Score product, we want to partner with companies that have a similar mission to empower consumers through greater data and transparency. For example, we partnered with TLCengine (TLC = True Lifestyle Cost), a leading real estate search platform that helps consumers to find homes within their budget by estimating the holistic costs of living, above and beyond a mortgage, that are often overlooked.

With an aligned focus on helping customers understand the true “value” of a future home, we partnered with TLCengine because they create some exciting additional benefits:

  • TLCengine uses extensive public financial data to measure expenses like mortgage, taxes, commuting/transportation, utilities, entertainment, and more.
  • TLCengine also factors in an individual’s finances, such as potential down payment amounts and self-reported credit score ranges.
  • With TLC estimates, shoppers can easily compare homes on their holistic affordability — which in some cases shows how more expensive homes can have lower monthly expenses when holistic costs are factored in.

With our partnership, Total Home Score will be integrated into two existing TLC products:

  1. TLCengine offers an award-winning, white-labeled browsing experience for regional MLS organizations. Check out to see an example of this exciting product in action.
  2. TRUE, a Software as a Service (SaaS) product, offers a private, collaborative search between real estate agents and their clients, powered by TLCengine’s customized financial estimates and seamless Customer Relationship Management (CRM) features.

Now, consumers can search for a home with unparalleled transparency and personalization, allowing them to much more easily find homes that fit their budget and living preferences.

THS is currently integrated with the TRUE search product for Greater Boston, and we’re working to incorporate THS Livability Scores into some of the TLC-managed MLS portals. We look forward to adding additional coverage for Total Home Score over the summer and early fall, and expanding on our partnership with TLCengine.

The Total Home Score team will be attending Inman Connect in San Francisco from July 16–19, and would love to hear from you if you plan to attend and would like to set up a meeting! Just e-mail to get in touch.

