Proof of Negative Covid Test for Travelers to USA

Published in
2 min readJan 13, 2021

For international flights to the USA, proof of a negative covid test will be required before departure. The negative PCR test must be carried out within 72 hours before departure.

This new regulation will apply starting from January 26th and will help slow the spread of the pandemic, the responsible U.S. health authority CDC said on Tuesday.

If a passenger could not prove a negative test result or a covid infection recovery, “the airline must refuse boarding”. All international travelers and all nationalities are affected by the new measure. Also American citizens. Meaning, the new regulation will apply to all international flights to the USA, regardless of the place of departure and the citizenship or visa of the traveler. The CDC also urges all travelers to retest three to five days after arriving in the United States and to stay at home for seven days after the trip. However, these are recommendations and not a legally binding. “Tests do not eliminate all risks,” said Robert Redfield, head of CDC. In combination with other precautionary measures however, it will make traveling safer.

The U.S. government imposed extensive entry restrictions for travelers from Europe’s Schengen Zone, China and Brazil due to the pandemic last year. As of today, these continue to apply. For more information and specific travel related questions, contact SoldoutNight customer support.

