Evangelising Blockchain In India By Teaching Seminars Across The Country

Ravinder Deol
Solidity Weekly
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2020

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Name: Vinoth S

Role: Blockchain Developer @ Blockchain App Factory

Location: Chennai, India

Vinoth is a Blockchain Developer at Blockchain App Factory in Chennai. He is evangelising Blockchain in India, teaching seminars across the country.

1. When Was Your First Contact With The Blockchain?

It was in 2018 (March). I first heard the word after a conversation with my friend, then, two days later I saw Jaspreet Brinda TedX talk discussing Blockchain. Right after, I started learning as much as I could about it.

2. How Did You Become A Blockchain Developer?

I started my career as a QA, soon becoming a Project Coordinator. And, during the days I did a Blockchain Course in IIT Kharagpur which I passed.

Soon after, I quit my job and pursued my passion for Blockchain Development. I was told it was the wrong decision; nevertheless, I persisted.

The job market in Blockchain is a little challenging for non-programmers.

3. What Do You Think Is The Importance Of Ethereum?

Every developer I know relishes working with Ethereum; they appreciate the support of the community and the regular updates. We’re now patiently waiting for Ethereum 2.0, taking Blockchain more public.

4. What Is The Biggest Challenge You’ve Had With Blockchain?

It’s a challenging technology where you act as a developer, tester, and even product designer at times. From this, you learn that not every problem is suitable for a blockchain-based solution.

Though people are hesitant to change, this technology is catching on, but it will be while before we see entire industries embracing Blockchain.

5. How Do You Think Blockchain Will Impact Our Lives?

Today, we’re dealing with data-hackers and marketers when it comes to safeguarding our data. Therefore, we need technology we can rely on to help us achieve our privacy efforts. I strongly believe Blockchain technology will play a large role in data protection.



Ravinder Deol
Solidity Weekly

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