My thoughts on building a Solis brand
I’m very interested in branding, long with an inspiration of helping build Solis inverters into a most-admired global PV inverter brand. So I put a lot of thoughts on this exercise.
Brand is who “I” am, what “I” do or do not, and what is “my” life purpose. Branding exercise starts from developing a deep understanding of who “I” am and it may take years. Not easy.
A flower is a flower no matter where it blossoms; A tree is a tree no matter where it grows. Branding is not to turn a flower to a tree, or vise versa.
I think a company’s brand is simply flowing from its founder. We could observe respectfully from his daily actions, daily decisions, and daily interactions with people.
Steve Jobs instilled his Zen philosophy into Apple products, which irradiate purity and harmony. In his words, “The reason Apple resonates with people is that there’s a deep current of humanities in our innovations.” Steve also said”
“We’re here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?” Apple is the most valuable brands in the world. Somehow, I always felt our Solis inverters is similar.
Brand messaging is simply to show who “I” am authentically.
“They (songs) just came through me, it wasn’t like I was having to compose them” — Bob Dylan
“The sculpture is already complete within the marble block, before I start my work. It is already there, I just have to chisel away the superfluous material. — Michelangelo
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