Claris Engage 2020. A new virtual conference.

Solis Digital
Solis Digital


Each year, for over 25 years, the Claris community have come together at “DevCon” to communicate, learn, and connect with like-minded people. Now more than ever, it is important the Claris Community have the opportunity to speak with colleagues, share ideas and stay connected. The new Claris Engage event will be no different.

The spread of COVID-19 has seen nearly all major events of 2020 either cancelled or pushed to 2021, while most technology firms, such as Google, Facebook and Microsoft, have opted to turn their conferences into virtual experiences. Claris have taken this opportunity to “reimagine” the new Engage conference as a virtual event.

While going virtual this year means we’re not in the same room and we’ll have to share coffee, stories, and smiles through video, it also means we get to share the experience with those who couldn’t travel for the in-person conference. Also with no hotel ballrooms needed, it also means Claris can make the event free. So more than ever, we hope to see lots of new faces join us this year!

What to expect from Claris Engage 2020

Claris’s goal is to provide a virtual experience capturing the spirit and value of the premier annual conference. As always, expect exciting announcements, technology deep-dives, and thought leadership from Claris and community leaders:

  • Attend compelling keynotes, engaging panel discussions, in-depth product sessions, and networking events.
  • Connect with Claris leadership and technical experts.
  • Reconnect with friends and peers … and meet new friends in social distancing safety.
  • And for months after the event, explore Claris Engage 2020 on-demand sessions in Claris Academy — event recordings plus a broader library of technical and business sessions presented by community experts. Sessions will be posted on a rolling schedule following the live event so you can enjoy them at your own pace.

Here’s how to … Engage

First, Claris 2020 is absolutely free. You’ll want to register since some sessions have limited space, but there is no registration fee. More details:

  • Save the dates: August 4–5, 2020 from 9:00am — 4:00pm PDT.
  • Browse the complete schedule and speaker bios on a new Claris Engage page. We’ll post it in the Claris Community on July 10.
  • Sign-up for sessions starting on July 10. Use your Claris Community login to reserve your spot (space is limited for some sessions, so sign up early!).
  • Follow the Claris Engage topic to receive event updates.
  • Participate in discussions about Engage.
  • Access Claris Academy and on-demand content.

Stay up to date on the latest information on the official Claris Engage Community page

Join us

We’re so excited to explore this new conference with you this summer. While a virtual conference will never replace the power of being together in-person, we believe the energy of the community, creativity, and connection transcends distance. We can’t wait to meet you “outside the keynote” over coffee — when we log-in and engage once again.

See you there!



Solis Digital
Solis Digital

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