
Brandün Waller
Solitary iNterludes
2 min readAug 28, 2022


Image by Brandun Waller
Image by Brandun Waller

I don’t think it’s right to have to pay the price for the sins of my father, considering he didn’t know how to live his life.

Misplaced steps time after time, it’s a shame for even in the mirror himself he couldn’t find.

Such an injustice the way he would waste his mind, perfectly plot’n nefarious schemes just to notch his belt on his list of felonious crimes.

That’s my dad, if only he could have slowed down and not taken for granted me, my mother, and sister and all he had.

Maybe then I wouldn’t be here, all alone, with my football in hand and no one to toss to and play a game of pass.

Not to mention the countless questions I have,

If only he was here so I could ask,

Questions like:

  • Was it love or was it lust the first time you laid eyes on my mother and felt the sweet embrace of her gentle touch?
  • The same tender touch which created Genesis and me?
  • Did you shed a tear the moment you learned you had planted a seed, or from the womb, the first time you laid eyes on me and seen the same blood which flows through you is the same in which allows my heart to beat?

I need to know, were you ever happy, or was this always destined to be a broken home?



Brandün Waller
Solitary iNterludes

A man on a mission with dreams to fulfill! My everyday perspective is undergoing a constant process of evolution thru the all important formula of engagement.