Renaming Solium to Ethlint

Raghav Dua
Published in
2 min readAug 11, 2018

It was recently brought to our attention that the name Solium is a registered trademark. At the time when I first started working on a rule-based linter for Solidity, I had higher priorities than thinking of a name and as a developer, I wasn’t really aware of all the laws that exist to protect brands out there. I still am not. My idea for the linter’s name was that it should be a short, single word available on NPM. I didn’t think beyond that.

But given the facts that we’ve recently learned, we decided that the best course of action for both the project and its users will be to rename Solium in the least disruptive manner.

Nothing will break

Whether you use Solium in your build pipelines via NPM or Snapcraft, have integrated it into your favourite text editor or are using its API in your Node.js project, you will not experience any failures or breakage. Even if you never migrate to Ethlint, you will be fine.
Solium’s current NPM channel will be deprecated but not taken down. Till around April 2019, all updates will be pushed simultaneously to both solium and ethlint NPM packages. After that, only ethlint will be continued.

So what changes?

Nothing changes in Solium apart from its name. The roadmap, community and even the NPM package — all will remain intact. Ethlint’s development will go on as usual.

When will Ethlint be released?

We plan on releasing Ethlint 1.2.0 by end of September. We will begin deprecating the solium package on NPM toward the end of November.

I apologise for the confusion that this rename is going to cause. Just to re-iterate, your builds will not break despite this rename. In case you would like any further clarifications, I can be reached on Ethlint’s Slack channel.

