Reserving a few NPM names for Solium configs & plugins

Raghav Dua
Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2017

As we prepare to release Solium v1 , a few things have been on my mind for a while.

The update introduces some breaking changes, comprises of a new core rule format and an automatic code formatting mechanism. But most importantly, the new Solium supports sharable configs and plugins. If you’ve worked with ESLint, you can familiarise yourself with these features with minimal effort.

The Problem

How open-sourced Sharable Configs and Plugins would work is that a Developer would have to publish it as an NPM module following the naming convention solium-config-<config name> for sharable configs and solium-plugin-<plugin name> for plugins, exactly like ESLint!

When I started developing a linter for Solidity, Solium wasn’t the first name that came to my mind. A more obvious, self-describing one did. Unfortunately that name was taken on npm. As of this writing, the name is still occupied (it has been for more than a year) but no useful code has been published on it. It was simply reserved and there is no knowing what the person plans to do with it. Its something I don’t respect in a developer, but I’m sure their intentions weren’t bad. Hopefully they’ll make a good use of the name some day.

Because of this incident, I decided to reserve several names for solium configs & plugins pertaining to some popular organisations in the smart contract ecosystem that, I think, might like to publish their configs or plugins one day for the open source community. I’m doing this primarily to keep them from being reserved by others who shouldn’t be using them.

Below is a list of NPM module names I have reserved in my name and whose ownership I will transfer the day the organisation asks for theirs:

  • solium-plugin-zeppelin
  • solium-plugin-ethereum
  • solium-plugin-slockit
  • solium-plugin-augur
  • solium-plugin-test — This stays with me
  • solium-plugin-embark
  • solium-plugin-aragon
  • solium-plugin-solium — This stays with me
  • solium-plugin-standard — This stays with me
  • solium-plugin-monax
  • solium-plugin-solidity — I believe this should go to Ethereum..?
  • solium-plugin-dao
  • solium-plugin-consensys
  • solium-plugin-truffle
  • solium-plugin-google
  • solium-plugin-microsoft
  • solium-plugin-remix (The browser solidity guys are doing a great job with their static analyser, hope to collaborate some day!)
  • solium-config-zeppelin
  • solium-config-ethereum
  • solium-config-slockit
  • solium-config-augur
  • solium-config-test
  • solium-config-embark
  • solium-config-aragon
  • solium-config-solium
  • solium-config-standard
  • solium-config-monax
  • solium-config-solidity
  • solium-config-dao
  • solium-config-consensys
  • solium-config-truffle
  • solium-config-google
  • solium-config-microsoft
  • solium-config-remix

If you’re one of the above organisations, please have your Project lead / VP / Manager / CTO drop an email at, mentioning the NPM username to which the ownership should be transferred.

