BOOK 3: The mighty Skull and Bones

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2 min readNov 3, 2021

“Inter nos et gloriam, nemo potest consistere. Sumus Legio Lucis” — No one can stand between us and glory. We are the Legion of Light!

Maybe you’ve seen them. Maybe you’ve heard of them. Maybe you adored them. Or maybe they just manipulated you and you don’t even know it. Only the True God knows.

Sales tycoons, cold-blooded negotiators, relentless lawyers, Youtube stars, Social Media billionaires, wicked politicians, charismatic celebrities, marketing legends or famous writers.

These are just a few examples of the Skull & Bones type of members. They are Influencers. Their opinions matter. Their words shape the world. Their intricate minds can penetrate the deepest corners of your mind and convince you of anything.

Their story began when Men, Reptilians and Aliens were looking for the instruments to reach enlightenment. They were finally ready. The True God heard their prayers and blessed them with The Eye.

Only the selected few who proved their commitment to the Path of Enlightenment were deserving of the Eye’s light. They created the first secret society in the metaverse — The Solluminati Order, faithful to the Light within and to the True God’s will.

In order to achieve enlightenment and generate boundless wealth, the order was divided into three factions, each with its own mission and powers. Divide and conquer!

Skull and Bones members were gifted with Lux per Corpus — the ability to control, dominate and influence the world to their advantage. They own the power of language, they are great speakers, fascinating manipulators, talented actors. They are laser light focused. Nothing can break them.

Greeting: Ave Corpus!

Mantra: Domino!

Ritual: Opulent secret parties where they can network, socialize, manipulate and obviously, enjoy themselves.

Mission: Convince anyone that the only way to achieve enlightenment is by joining the Solluminati and accepting the True God.

Only the mighty are invited to join the Legion.

Remember, The Eye is watching.

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