DAO Tool Suite — Onboarding Guide

Published in
5 min readMar 10, 2022

The need for a complete DAO Tool Suite has existed in the Solana ecosystem since a while, with teams being forced to use different tools for different purposes such as verification, voting, airdrops and analytics.

The request for an auto-configurable verification system has existed since a long time in the market. Furthermore, there is no actual tool built for the project owners themselves.

Data such as holder retention, number of holders and verified owners, royalties generation over time are still not at hand for the project developers.

Software as a service — Full automated setup

Setup the verification system in 2minutes. Fully automated. Straightforward.

General Setup
1.Create your OWNER account — https://dao.solluminati.io/register

Create your Owner account

2. Sign in to the OWNER account — https://dao.solluminati.io/login

Login to the account

3. Once landed in the dashboard, click on subscriptions

Dashboard landing

4. Connect your wallet for payments

Connect wallet

The connect wallet flow is similar to any wallet connect on Solana. Select your wallet type, click again on connect wallet and sign the transaction.

5. Once connected, select your subscription type

Once you select subscription, a payment window will appear. Transaction processing takes up to 30 seconds, appearing in the right corner.

If you own 5 PFPs, please contact us on discord by opening a ticket in order to extend your subscription to lifetime.

6. Once payment is completed, user gets redirected to dashboard, with active subscription.

Active subscription

Please hit hard refresh in case the subscription doesn’t appear ACTIVE.

7. Now time to configure the Collection — go to Collection Config

Collection Configuration

Collection Name — Name of the collection
Slug — Automatically generated, will generate the verification link: dao.solluminati.io/casualapesociety
Logo — Add collection Logo
Background Image — Add a background for the verification page — https://welcome-to-the-jungle.solluminati.io/

Bot Config steps
Step 1:
Add a new bot in Discord — Go to https://discord.com/developers/applications and click add a new application
In the left panel of the Discord Developer Portal, choose “Bot”, click “Add Bot” and give it a name
Step 2: After the bot was created, click on “Reveal Token”. The Token will appear. Copy and paste it here.
Step 3: Generate permissions for the newly created Discord bot
Scroll down to the end of the page where you will find the Bot Permissions table. Choose “Manage Roles” , “Send Messages” and “Manage Messages”

Server ID- Go to Server Settings -> Webhook -> Server ID — Copy that

Don’t forget to hit save and get back to dashboard.


8. The next step is Tokens Management, where you upload all the tokens from a collection. To be used for both Verification and Voting setup.

Add tokens

Add tokens. Individually or CSV/JSON, importing the hashlist.

Import tokens

Once tokens are imported, it will look this way. The time for importing the tokens can be up to 30 minutes, depending on the number of imported elements and metadata.

Imported Tokens

9. Time to Setup the Roles — Go to Roles Management

Add Roles

Once connected with Discord, all the roles are going to be recognized and will be displayed in the Roles Drop down.
To set up further, use any rules you want. Add role by attribute, mix of attributes, number of NFTs or just holding.

In case you don’t have the discord setup, it will guide you to it.

Configure discord


10. Setup Voting STEP.

Setup voting

After voting is setup, it appears in the list. Stats available, the link is the second button in Actions.

Voting management

The voting link looks like — https://dao.solluminati.io/casualapesociety/poll/c8b18329-1ddb-45a5-bdf1-e753a8d7d72a. Share that with your community. Only the holders are able to vote!

Voting session

Airdrop & Snapshot tools

11. Airdrop NFT/SOL — Go on the Tools Menu


Hit the AIDROP NFTS button, and you will be guided. Check the CSV. Same process applies for both.


Snapshot tools — choose the option you want and enjoy!


DAO Analytics

12. See your DAO analytics — Holder Stats, Treasury financial. The data is being populated in time.

DAO analytics

We are onboarding features requests for the DAO Tool Suite. Feel free to contact us.

