— Wallet tracking and transaction analysis

Published in
4 min readJan 19, 2022

Solluminati team is glad to introduce the Wallet Tracking system — — dedicated to the Solana ecosystem.

Not sure how many of you are still aware that Solana is still on MainNet-Beta and how early we are in the ecosystem. Here, at Solluminati, as you probably know, we are developing tools useful for the growth of this ecosystem.

And yes, both transaction analysis and wallet tracking were required for the growth.

Transaction analysis — Explorer
First of all, reading transactions on Solana Explorers is hard and not accessible to anyone. That’s the first point we wanted to solve: allow anybody to analyze transactions on Solana Ecosystem. How did we achieve that?

We simplified the transactions connected with a wallet. Input any wallet and see all the transactions done by it — including the past ones. “Solana Explorer on Steroids”, as our devs said. Tired of seeing things that you don’t understand?

Simple as that, we are transforming all the transactions into big categories: SPL token, NFT transactions(send/receive), interactions with marketplaces(MagicEden,AlphaArt), SOL Transfer — all of these can be seen on the “transaction type” column.

NFT Explorer
We wanted to simplify even more the life for the ones interested in NFTs so there’s a NFT explorer with a cards view too. Operation parsing dedicated to NFTs only. See what’s bought, minted or sold from any wallet, with prices and all the other necessary details.

Wallet tracking

Wallet signal
As said, the ecosystem is at the very beginning and so are the marketplaces. And yes, on Solana there are multiple marketplaces, all of them better for certain collections — however, lately, we’ve all seen MagicEden numbers.

Anyway, back to ours. So, on Solana usually, everybody has multiple wallets and uses multiple marketplaces. And you never know what happens in your wallet.

There’s actually no way for you to get notified of what happens in your wallet and that is so painful.

Before, there were only some small discord solutions for this, but the time has come for a complete one. This is what we call Wallet Signal — the notification system for everything that’s happening in your wallets.

Alert Settings

Add multiple wallets, select operations type and add alerts — receive notifications on discord or email.

Wallet tracking
Tracking goes both ways: personal wallets or other wallets. It’s often referred to as whale wallet watching. For this, we have prepared the Multi-wallet tracker module, which is also, a simplified form of a whales wallet tracker.

In very simple words, you just add the wallets, label them, and then get to see their activity in the dashboard directly. All of them, in the same place, in real-time.

Get to see what tracked whales/smart traders mint, buy or sell in real-time. All the operations are in a very simple form, easy to be understood by anyone.

Multi-wallet explorer

Access and features

Like all the other Solluminati tools, is accessible only by owning one of The Solluminati NFTs. We have tiered access based on these rules:

  1. EYE
    - [ ]can use discord and email alerts
    - [ ] can add up to 5 wallets
    - [ ] can use Explorer, NFTs Explorer, Multi-Wallet Explorer
    - [ ] can add up to 10 wallets in Multi-Wallet Explorer
  2. PFP
    - [ ] can use email alerts
    - [ ] can add up to 3 wallets
    - [ ] can use Explorer, NFTs Explorer, Multi-Wallet Explorer
    - [ ] can add up to 10 wallets in Multi-Wallet Explorer
  3. Shards
    -[ ] can use email alerts
    - [ ] can add up to 1 wallet
    - [ ] can use Explorer, NFTs Explorer, Multi-Wallet Explorer
    - [ ] can add up to 10 wallets in Multi-Wallet Explorer
  4. Guest
    - [ ]can use explorer

We are working on ways of improving the rules, as per example cumulating if you own more of them.

Future Plans
As probably many of you know, we’re not stopping here. What we built here is the frame for what we plan to do. Now, as we have the frame, we are looking to populate it with data. And the next plan is to automatically label Solana wallets and build from this, the most comprehensive database of Solana wallets labelled.

Build the tools, gather data, build on top of data. Step by step, to the place where we belong too.

Official Links


Wallet Tracking system:



Solluminati PFP:

Solluminati Eye:

