Is your Invoicing Process Slowing your Start-up Down?

Fatima Ayoub
Published in
1 min readNov 28, 2018

Thousands of small businesses and startups across the UK are struggling to manage late payments. Chasing invoices not only takes business owners away from their real responsibilities, it’s costing them a tonne of money too.

Late payments have a huge knock on effect when it comes to cash flow health, future investment, and business development.

To learn more about keeping a healthy cash flow for your small business, read our latest guide to finance and accounting for small businesses and startups.

This shiny infographic is full of eye-opening stats about late invoices, time spent chasing payments, and what impact that could be having on your startup.

Sound painfully familiar? If you’re one of the 40% of small business owners spending hours chasing invoices every week, Solna can help you out.

Set up customised, automatic payment reminders, so you never have to chase an invoice again. 😉

Originally published at

