Amateurs Get Angry With Clients. Professionals Educate Them.

Josh Richards
Solo Consulting Insights
1 min readMar 30, 2017

Paul Jarvis, writing for 99U:

As most experienced freelancers know, sometimes we have to fire our clients, for their benefit and ours. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

I used to think dealing with frustrating clients was just part of being a creative. But then I realized while, yes, there are frustrating parts of any relationship, frustration should be the exception rather than the rule.

There are certainly times when we want to turn into the freelance version of Donald Trump, screaming “You’re Fired!” at everyone we disagree with. But the truth is, we deserve the clients we get. Bad clients aren’t the result of some cosmic force working against us, they’re more likely the result of our own actions.

Frustrating clients are the result of some misstep we’ve made along the way. To do our best work and work with the best people, we need to be diligent in our relationship with our clients.

Read his suggestions on how to accomplish this.



Josh Richards
Solo Consulting Insights

IT advisor, consulting net/sys/cloud engineer, investor, burrito lover, parent, feminist, explorer.