My 5C Model: Mastering the Art of Pursuit Management

Pursuit Management is an Art which can be mastered as a Science. Creativity, collaboration, communication, content, context, commercials are the 5 critical factors to ensure the success of a pursuit.

Pursuit Management is an Art, which can be mastered as a Science. Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Content, Context, and Commercials are the five critical factors (5C) to ensure the success of a pursuit.

Pursuit Management is an Art, which can be learned and mastered as Science. As a pursuit manager, you will still be alone despite being immersed in the tender documentation, deliberations, decisions, disruptions, designs, and team dynamics. All you need to do is ensure that your frame of reference is intact. The 5C model is connected, and the entire pursuit is a converged effort of the 5Cs.

After having spent more than a decade of extensive involvement in Bids, Tenders, Proposals, Pursuits or Presales (whatever manifestations you are familiar with), of late, I have been struggling to explain my case and capabilities. Probably because I am exhausted. Probably, because I have worked in every possible phase, domain, or inch in the Pursuit space across geographies and industry sectors. Probably, because I have worked for a small deal worth a couple of hundred thousand dollars only to the largest one with a total contract value of $1.5 billion. I felt the best way to depict my thinking was via a picture/infographics. After all, “a picture is worth thousands of words”. And here’s my capture.



Priyadarshi Tripathy | HUMAN | DAD | BELIEVER
SoloArtist. Writings & Creatives.

@SoloArtist. Innovation Enthusiast. Digital Intrapreneur. Reluctant Writer. Foodie. Movie Buff. UV's dad. Happy to connect and collaborate.