Sologenic Interviews SOLO TV Host, Brent Hirose

Published in
5 min readJul 28, 2020

The Sologenic team would like to formally introduce you to the host of SOLO TV, Brent Hirose.

Prospective computer engineer turned professional actor; Brent delved into how he got to where he is today and his exciting plans. Brent also shared his experience in the crypto industry and some recommendations for new crypto.

As an actor, writer, director, improviser and voice-over artist, it’s safe to say you are well rounded in the entertainment industry. How did you enter this space? What made you decide to pursue a professional career in this industry?

It wasn’t supposed to happen! Coming out of high school in Winnipeg, I was going to become a computer engineer, but through some miscommunications ended up missing a prerequisite, so instead of going to one university (The University of Manitoba), I went to another (The University of Winnipeg) which had a concurrent high school program so I could pick up my missing class.

Meanwhile, I took a theatre class for fun, where my teacher brought in a professional actor who talked to the class about the actual job, which opened my eyes to the potential of the career: I didn’t think much of the prospect of there being professional Canadian actors, let alone in Winnipeg!

Meanwhile, I had one of the worst math teachers ever, which soured my idea of doing more University level calculus and decided to switch my focus. I figured that no matter what field I was going into, the kind of jobs that I’d want to do, involving creativity and having some control over the direction of my work, would be a lot of hard work and competition, so I might as well go after one that brings me so much enjoyment. It’s been almost 20 years, and I can’t say I regret it!

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

I’ve done a lot of side jobs to pay the bills between acting roles: I’ve worked in a few call centers, the library, led food tours, worked as a freelance copywriter, and have taught improv and acting in various settings. I’ve never had a job in a restaurant, except for a single training shift in the kitchen that I never got paid for! The only job I’ve wanted to do but never got around to was teaching English in Japan.

Coming from an arts background, can you share your experience transitioning into working in the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry?

As an actor (and playwright), I’m no stranger to doing research. It also doesn’t hurt that I’m a lifelong tech nerd, so I’ve always known the basics of crypto, but haven’t taken the time to dive deeply. I have to say, at this point, I now know enough to know how much I don’t know, and the field is changing quickly! But that’s one of the things that makes this project so exciting; there’s always more to learn!

Are there any resources you would recommend for people looking to enter the crypto space? Books? Podcasts?

My first suggestion for anyone looking to research a subject is to see what’s going on in Reddit. One of the best parts of the crypto world is the passionate community that exists online. From there, a single thread can lead to multiple google searches to delve deeper and deeper into the weeds. I’m currently reading “The Internet of Money,” which I’m enjoying quite a lot!

What is coming up on the horizon? Where are you headed next?

I’ve got a lot of different projects always on the go, although right now, a lot of things are understandably on hold. That said, I’ve got a pilot of a kid’s show that I’ll be working on as a puppeteer that hopefully will be shooting soon, an improvised Shakespeare show that is getting up and running again, as well as a horror movie script that I’m prepping to pitch to Netflix. I hope that demonstrates some range!

You’re a fan of Dogecoin. Tells us, how did you first hear about it and why is it your preferred coin?

Money is intrinsically a bit of a shared delusion*, and my absurdist sense of humor loves a currency that doesn’t take itself too seriously. Plus, Doge memes hit me where I live. (Please don’t tell my cat). That said, still pay me. :)

What is your dream acting job?

What I haven’t got to do as an actor yet is to play a character with a long arc: I’m a massive fan of prestige TV dramas, and the thought of playing a role that experiences change over the years is exhilarating. Plus, an acting job that lasted for that long would mean a break from the constant stream of auditions and rejection. But that ARC, though!

Word Association

1. Crypto


2. Acting


3. Hollywood

Not everything.

4. Dogecoin

Very wow.


Exciting! And if you, the reader, go subscribe, even more exciting!

How can our SOLO TV enthusiasts get in touch with you?

Check me out on twitter @BrentHirose - I’ve always had an on-again/off-again relationship with the platform, but I’m quick to respond to messages! And if you’re interested in seeing what else I’ve done/am up to, check out

Well, Brent, we hope you can pursue your dream of teaching English in Japan or land that significant Arc role, but in the meantime, we are very excited to have you on SOLO TV and excited for what’s to come!

Catch Brent Hirose on SOLO TV at

Stay up to date by following SOLO TV on Twitter @GoSOLOTV for live updates.




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