If You Love Your Friends, You’ll Encourage Them to Code

Armina Mkhitaryan
Published in
3 min readAug 1, 2017

…you do love your friends, right?

Are your friends spending too much time cluttering up your newsfeed with memes and cat pics? Have they developed an unhealthy obsession with daytime TV? Do you feel there is a need for an intervention?

If this sounds familiar, it might be time to find your friends to try a new hobby. As a coder yourself, this is a great opportunity to share the fun and invite them into their new coding family.

3 Reasons Why You Should Encourage Your Friends to Code

Not convinced? Here’s how you’ll be doing your friend a favor:

1. Coding is Fun and Productive

We might joke about cat pics, but the reality is people are spending more and more time on their mobiles, and social media in particular. It might be fun, but there’s a better use for that time, and you’ll be helping your friends if you can encourage them to start a hobby that’s more than just a time-filler.

2. You’ll Be Helping Their Careers

As we discussed in a previous article, coding is useful for many jobs, even outside IT. Even if your friends don’t need to code, by learning they will demonstrate problem-solving and critical thinking skills that will look great on any resume.

3. Coding Is Better Together

One of the best parts about learning to code is the community. When you learn to code with a friend you’ll learn faster, have more fun, and benefit from each other’s insights.

Still not convinced? We can only assume you hate your friends. Don’t be that guy (or girl).

Having Problems? Here’s How to Encourage Your Friends to Code

It might surprise you to learn that some people think coding is tricky, mathematical, and frustrating! While that may sometimes be true, there is absolutely no reason why the average person cannot learn to code with just a bit of effort.

Part of the problem is that most tools for learning to code are boring and difficult; reading a textbook on coding is not the average person’s idea of fun. There’s also a perception before you can start coding you need to download and install complicated pieces of software with strange names.

You need to show your friends that these perceptions are wrong. When you replace dry textbooks with quizzes and puzzles, learning becomes fun again.

To encourage your friends, we recommend you invite them to download SoloLearn (or just steal their phone and download it for them :-). Within just a few minutes they’ll be learning and writing code themselves, and like you, they may just catch the coding bug!

Of course, some people just aren’t interested, no matter how much you encourage them — but don’t worry, they’ll run out of cat pics eventually!

And before you go…

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