Reasons to Love C++

Armina Mkhitaryan
Published in
4 min readSep 17, 2017

C++ is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup of Bell Labs in 1979. C++ was originally called ‘C with classes,’ and was built as an extension of the C language. Its name reflects its origins; C++ literally means ‘increment C by 1.’

It was renamed C++ in 1983, but retains a strong link to C, and will compile most C programs. Compared to C, C++ added object-oriented features to C such as classes, abstraction, and inheritance.

C++ is considered a mid-level programming language, combining some elements of low-level programming languages, such as the need to learn memory management, with high-level features. Because of this, C++ is considered quite a complex language — in comparison to languages such as Python you need to know quite a bit more before you can create your first truly useful programs.

C++ is Flexible

C++ is a multi-paradigm coding language. This means that it supports other styles such as procedural programming, in addition to object-oriented programming. These paradigms are essentially different ways of looking at and solving a coding problem; two different C++ coders could look at and solve the same coding problem in different ways. Paradigms can also be combined to get the most efficient result.

Having different ways of solving problems makes C++ more complex, also make it more powerful. There’s always more to learn!

C++ Excels at Delivering Performance

Although C++ is used in many industries and can be used to write almost anything, it particularly excels in delivering performance and using system resources efficiently. The control C++ gives the user over system resources enables a skilled coder to write a program that is quicker and more powerful than a similar program written in another programming language.

This makes C++ the language of choice for writing game engines, games, and other resource-hungry applications. Most AAA games titles are written using C++ because these titles push the limits of existing hardware, so resource efficiency is very important. This also makes C++ the language of choice for some applications in the finance industry, where small differences in speed in high-frequency trading platforms can make the difference between a profit or a loss.

C++ Takes Time to Learn, But Rewards Investment

Due to the complexity of C++, it is often seen as ‘harder’ to learn than other languages. More accurately, it probably takes a bigger investment of your time and effort to learn than some other languages — but it isn’t that much harder. The time you invest will pay off later if you have to learn any of the other languages in the C-family as you will have done a significant amount of the work already.

In return for your investment, you can access a large range of job opportunities across many different industries. The large amount of jobs available is a reflection of the long-standing popularity of C++. Not only do many new applications get coded in C++, but the huge range of programs already built during the language necessitate hiring coders to keep them current and updated.

Additionally, C++ programs need a lot of code to scale, so some companies require relatively large teams of developers (relative to other languages). This means expert C++ developers will always be in demand.

Finally, the exciting array of job opportunities in fields such as game development are probably the chief motivator for many coders to learn C++. These fields are tough to break into, with much dedication and hard work required. Better get started!

C++ Job Opportunities

According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey C++ is the sixth most popular language for overall use with 19.4% of those surveyed reporting using it. Additionally, other C languages (which any C++ coder will have a head-start on learning) are also popular. C++’s ancestor is seventh with 15.5%, and C# (a Microsoft language based on C++ that aims to include the best of Visual Basic) fourth with 30.9% overall usage.

Skills Analytics platform Gooroo records approximately 5,900 C++ jobs advertised per month in the USA (approx. 10,000 worldwide) and an average salary of almost £100,000 in the USA (and just over $80,000 worldwide).

How Can You Learn C++ with SoloLearn?

Joining the SoloLearn community is a great way to start your C++ career. Regardless of whether you’re dabbling for fun or intent on starting a new career, the SoloLearn C++ Tutorial will give you a solid grounding in the basics.

The course has 80 lessons and 324 quizzes spread over nine modules:

· Module 1: Basic Concepts

· Module 2: Conditionals and Loops

· Module 3: Data Types, Arrays, Pointers

· Module 4: Functions

· Module 5: Classes and Objects

· Module 6: More on Classes

· Module 7: Inheritance & Polymorphism

· Module 8: Templates, Exceptions, and Files

· Module 9: Challenges

The SoloLearn C++ course takes you from absolute zero to creating your own programs as quickly and easily as possible, and of course, you’ll have the support of the friendliest coding community. Start learning today by downloading the SoloLearn App.

