Write Less and Do More with jQuery

Armina Mkhitaryan
Published in
4 min readSep 29, 2017

Released in 2006 by John Resign, jQuery is a free, open-source JavaScript library. jQuery’s motto is “write less, do more” — and that’s exactly what it does; jQuery is a reusable piece of code that enables you to do more with JavaScript.

jQuery takes common JavaScript tasks and wraps them into methods. Then, instead of writing out all that code by hand, developers can simply call these methods — jQuery takes care of the rest. These shortcuts allow users to write better code and be more productive.

Many sites with JavaScript use jQuery, with many estimates putting the total at more than 50% of all websites.

What Does jQuery Do?

The jQuery library contains a wide range of features, including:

DOM Traversal and Manipulation

The DOM, or Document Object Model, is an interface created by browsers which allows scripts and programs to add, delete, or change HTML elements. The DOM allows JavaScript to edit and change HTML and CSS on the page, making it dynamic. jQuery includes lots of powerful tools that make it easier to find and work with these different elements.

Event Handling

jQuery makes it easier to capture events (user interactions) without filling up your HTML code with lots of messy event handlers that make it hard to read. For example, with just a few lines of code, a developer can create code that runs whenever a user clicks on a certain element.


AJAX (or Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is used to load data and display it without reloading the page. For example, AJAX can be used for login forms: AJAX sends a login request, and once it has been accepted the page updates as needed. There’s no need to visit a separate login page.

Should You Learn jQuery?

Although there’s less demand for new websites to use jQuery today than a few years ago (as modern browsers have solved some of the common problems that led to the introduction of jQuery), the sheer number of sites that use it already make it essential learning for developers.

jQuery Enables You To Do More, Faster

If you are still relatively new to JavaScript, learning jQuery opens up a whole new world of exciting possibilities. Many of the concepts you’re still finding difficult are made much easier with jQuery, which will enable you to start working on more exciting projects quicker. Some experts even recommend you learn jQuery before JavaScript, so you can start using more functionality as quickly as possible.

jQuery is Easy to Learn

jQuery is great for beginners because it’s quick to learn and enables you to do a lot. In addition to extending the functionality of your pages, jQuery helps your code stay simple, clean, and easy to read. Legible code is essential when you’re getting started, as it makes it easier to spot your mistakes!

Don’t Forget JavaScript!

Everything jQuery does can be achieved with vanilla JavaScript, but you need a whole lot more code (and understanding) to do it. But that doesn’t mean you should allow jQuery to do all the work for you! We recommend you start using jQuery but continue to develop your JavaScript skills so you can learn how it does what it does.

jQuery Is Still in High Demand

With more than 50% of websites using jQuery, there’s little doubt that it’s still in demand. As of September 2017, jQuery is still the sixth most-used tag on StackOverflow with more than 870,000 topics in total — with thousands more added each week.

Gooroo estimate that there are almost 10,000 jobs advertised each month worldwide that require jQuery, including just over 4,000 in the US. Average salaries are approximately $76,000 globally, rising to $93,000 in the US.

Learning jQuery with SoloLearn

We at SoloLearn recommend you start learning jQuery once you’re confident you understand the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Once you’re ready, our jQuery course offers 26 lessons split across six modules, with a total of 75 quizzes to help you learn:

· Module 1: jQuery Overview

· Module 2: Attributes and Content

· Module 3: Manipulating CSS

· Module 4: Manipulate DOM

· Module 5: Events

· Module 6: Effects

In addition to helping you learn jQuery, the SoloLearn app provides access 10+ other courses on popular programming topics and languages. Best of all, you get to join our community of more than millions of code learners around the world. Get started by downloading the SoloLearn App today!

And before you go…

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