The Secret to Effective Delegation: Trust and Motivation

Effective delegation is at the heart of getting more done, faster. Here’s how it works, and what you can do.

Neville Chamberlain
The Solopreneur Handbook


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Delegation is at the heart of getting more done, faster. But you have to delegate effectively, otherwise you end up demotivating the people you delegated to — and now you have a bigger problem. In this article we look at the one thing that unlocks the power of delegation, and how you can build highly engaged teams with trust and motivation.

The one thing that unlocks the power of delegation

Steve Jobs famously said:

“It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.”

This is what delegation is all about: get the experts to do the stuff we don’t want (or need) to become expert at.

Now imagine this scenario:

You just hired a bookkeeper to look after your business accounts. You could probably do your bookkeeping yourself, but you’re not very good at it, you don’t particularly like doing it, and you’re slow. This bookkeeper is expert at what they do, love doing it, and come highly recommended.



Neville Chamberlain
The Solopreneur Handbook

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