Troubleshoot your business Part 5: Lead Nurturing

It’s more important than marketing

Neville Chamberlain
The Solopreneur Handbook


image courtesy of DALL-E via ChatGPT

This is part 5 of the Troubleshoot your business series, where we look at lead nurturing — what happens after marketing. You can read Part 0 Introduction here, Part 1 Niche here, Part 2 Brand here, Part 3 Offers here and Part 4 Marketing here.

In the Tornado Method, Lead Nurturing lives right next to Marketing, and it’s arguably the most important part of your Revenue Engine (or at least just as important as Marketing).

Let’s look at what it is, and why it’s so important.

Why Lead Nurturing is so important

Imagine you’re throwing a party for a bunch of strangers. You put a lot of effort into marketing the event — flyers, posters, friends telling friends. You’re getting a lot of attention, and you’re excited that this is going to be the best party ever.

In fact, you’re so excited by all the attention you’re getting from the marketing, you don’t pay much attention to preparing for the event.



Neville Chamberlain
The Solopreneur Handbook

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