The 4 Keys to Never Running Out of Ideas for Articles, Books, and Courses

How to plant an article garden that yields a bountiful harvest year-round

Barry Baz Morris
Working Writers


Photo by Filip Urban on Unsplash
  • This is an…excerpt from the author’s eBook, ‘Plant an Article Garden and Never Run Out of Ideas.’ Check it out here.

Imagine a lush, green garden just outside your kitchen window.

While sipping your freshly brewed coffee each morning, you walk outside and note the changes and additional growth that have occurred since your previous visit.

Some seedlings sprout little green shoots while others develop thicker stems, and leaf buds begin to open.

Now imagine that the fruit that greets you during your morning inspection are not apples, pears, or berries but little articles/posts in different development stages.

Of course, I’m not talking about a conventional garden, but an article garden — the secret weapon of prolific Medium and Substack writers.

It’s a garden that, if regularly watered and tended, yields a bountiful harvest of fresh, organic content year-round.

It contains a collection of writing in various stages of development. Some are seedlings — just raw ideas — submerged a few centimeters under my cerebral topsoil.



Barry Baz Morris
Working Writers

I'm a Substack writer and consultant. I love helping Substackers with Tiny Tribes earn $10K+/month WITHOUT PAYING SUBSCRIBERS. 💰🪶