Some Guy: “ Build An Email List And Don’t Live On Rented Social Media Land”

Solopreneur Startup
2 min readApr 27, 2024

I am definitely calling some people out, without any fear. Why have all the make money gurus been emphasizing on this lately. Let’s go straight to what you came here for. Let’s look at the good and the bad of email lists.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

The Good:

  • You completely control what you feed your audience. There are no restrictions to the information your audience gets about you.
  • Formality. Of course, a company, or at least a proper one, needs an email list just for the sake of looking professional. And they generally help with reachability too.
  • No sudden changes in traffic because of algorithms present in search engines like Google or other social media platforms. Your audience stays.

The Bad:

  • Who said it isn’t rented land? Let’s be slightly over-realistic here if you know what I mean. You have not created your own email company and made your own servers. You just rent Google’s land. Many people have had their Google accounts permanently suspended. And if you don’t know Google well, they do NOT usually take those lightly
  • Open your email app right now. I’m willing to bet a lot of money that most of you have lots and lots of pages or unread emails. If every company builds an email list then every company is, of course, sending emails. With all these emails there’s no sure way to know that your audience isn’t just marking all of them as read. The exception here is that you are providing value and not just advertising your company.

So what?

Emails lists are a great way to have a peace of mind over your audience if used correctly. Just learn how to do it right. Comment for a post about that in case you are interested. Support me by buying my affordable wallpaper pack here since the device you’re using to read this will need a good wallpaper that reflects the goodness in you. See you in the next one 👋



Solopreneur Startup

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