The 2 Infallible Ways to Hit $1000 with Print on Demand.

Fastest Path To $1k by Selling Printables

Sam Rome(Entrepreneurs Club)
Solopreneur Startup
4 min readJun 28, 2024


Photo by David Hahn on Unsplash

Have you ever dreamed of quitting your 9-5 job? Did you ever wish to become your boss and work from home? I’ve been there before.

The grind of commuting to work every day and having a boss look over your shoulder can get tiring.

Print-on-demand is one way you can make that dream come true. You can start earning money passively with just a laptop and an internet connection. You could design and sell t-shirts, mugs, phone cases and more using print-on-demand platforms like Printful, Printify, Teespring, and more.

Allow me to share with you the fastest ways I've seen others make that first $1000 from Print on Demand. And I’m sure it could be your new profitable side hustle.

1. Get a Mentor

Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

When you’re doing anything new, having someone who has “been there and done that” guide you can quickly increase your knowledge. Which will help you succeed fast, and also avoid costly mistakes.

One of the fastest ways I’ve seen others succeed with Print on Demand is by partnering with a mentor.

It could be by paying for coaching or finding a free mentorship program, still, the benefits are huge. Let’s look at a few benefits of having a mentor before moving on.

Benefits Of Having A Mentor

Photo by Joshua Mayo on Unsplash

i.Save Time: A mentor will show you the exact strategies, processes, and designs that worked for them to save you months of trial and error.

ii. Proven Templates: A mentor will grant you access to best-selling proven templates like slogans and designs. Which are already pre-tested to sell.

ii. Avoid Pitfalls: Mentors will warn you about expensive mistakes they made along the way so you don’t have to learn the hard way. Things like wrong niche selection, poor designs, ineffective marketing, and more.

iii. Stay Motivated: It’s easy to get discouraged alone. A mentor will keep you focused, hold you accountable to goals, and celebrate the small wins with you to keep you moving forward.

Well, I’ve seen firsthand how mentorship helped a lot of people make their first $1000 in just 30 to 60 days with Print on Demand(and on other side hustles too). So if you want fast results, finding the right mentor to guide you is a proven way to get there.

I’ll recommend This Print-On-Demand Course by Amy Harrop. You’ll get access to mentorship, and a WhatsApp/FB support group of successful persons. Plus a free 10000 best-selling design Templates. Check It Out Here.

2. Learn from Successful Groups

Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

Another lightning-fast way to succeed is by tapping into the wisdom of successful online entrepreneurs who are further along than you. We can all learn from each other.

There are many free and paid Facebook groups, forums, discords, workshops, and online classes filled with people making serious bank from Print on Demand, who are happy to share their stories and strategies while answering questions.

You might just land on a $1k idea just listening to how they succeeded, and copying the strategies they used.

As Brian Tracy said, “If you want to succeed, find out what other successful people have done, then copy it.”

Here are just a few benefits of learning from successful groups:

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

i. Time-Tested Strategies: A support group will help you gain immediate insight into the strategies, tools, and tactics that are currently working, without wasting months testing.

ii. Real-World Examples: Nothing teaches like success stories and case studies. You’ll be inspired and know exactly what to replicate for your own business.

ii. Ongoing Support: Successful groups become like your online community. Stuck on a problem? Get answers from the group in minutes versus pulling your hair out alone for days.

iii. Stay Informed: Groups keep you up to date on the latest industry changes, tools, opportunities, and potential pitfalls before you experience them.

So in summary, whether it's getting a personal mentor or tapping into the wisdom of online groups, surrounding yourself with proven success will dramatically increase your odds of hitting that $1000 goal with Print on Demand, faster than trying to figure it all out alone.

The key is to take action. Just getting started is half the battle, so pick one of these two methods that works best for you and your learning style, and then execute. True progress comes from consistent small steps over time.

I’ll personally recommend This Print-On-Demand Course by Amy Harrop. You’ll get access to mentorship, and a WhatsApp/FB support group of successful persons. Plus a free 1000 best-selling design Templates that are being constantly updated. This will easily boost your success. What are waiting for, Go Get It Here.

If you enjoyed this post, You could Tip me on Buy Me A Coffe, thanks.

Now get out there and start crushing those Print on Demand sales.



Sam Rome(Entrepreneurs Club)
Solopreneur Startup

I share knowledge of life lessons I've learned from reality, and my past failures. I write about passive income, etc. You can