The Simple Principles of Building A Six-Figure One-Person Business In 3 Minutes
Simplicity scales, complexity fails.
I thought business was difficult.
But after 3+ years of trying and failing to build my one-person business, I’ve found that the best businesses are simple.
Here’s how to build a simple one-person business.
Pick one customer problem.
Marry your customer and their problems.
Here are the steps:
1/ Pick a customer that you could hang around with all day.
They should give you:
- Energy
- Inspiration
If they don’t, they aren’t the right customer for you.
2/ Understand a painful problem they face.
There are only three problems they face:
- Wealth.
- Health.
- Relationships.
Pick one.
3/ Get to know everything about them
You want to gather data on:
- Their behavior.
- The industry they are in.
- Previous attempts to solve this…