This One Fundamental Might Just Unlock the Secret to ‘Passive’ Income

Earn money while you sleep…

Josh Waring
Solopreneur Startup
3 min readMay 28, 2024


Imagine earning money in your sleep.

Every morning, waking up, to more money than the day before, in your bank account!

You would never have to go to work again.

This seems like the goal for everyone, right?

Then how come for most of us earning in our sleep, in the literal sense, is just a dream?

What if I told you, there is this one fundamental; which, if followed, could turn your passive income dreams into reality.

Would you believe me?

The Fundamental:

‘Passive’ Income, whilst seeming difficult, can be found from a multitude of streams:

  • Digital products (e-books, courses, guides, etc.)
  • Investments
  • Affiliate Marketing (from content, writing, etc.)

We could, quite easily write an e-book, list it on Gumroad, fill it with affiliate links, and let the money roll in.

However, if earning money passively was that easy, everyone would do it.

The truth is, ‘Passive’ Income isn’t ever truly ‘Passive’.

All these streams require a significant amount of work to begin with:

  • Writing an e-book could take months and months of deep work and planning. And it could easily never make a sale.
  • Producing content with affiliate links could take days of finding and producing, for it to never even get a view…
  • Investing is risky. At any point, all the gains you have made could be lost.

All streams of ‘Passive’ Income require some form of SKILL.

The people making thousands online, passively, didn’t just make 1 e-book and never work again.

The people producing content and making thousands, didn’t just make 1 video.

It took them years and years of hard work. Slowly crafting their skillset in the process.

However, the only people I see talking about ‘passive’ income, quite often, are people who aren’t prepared to put the work in, to build that skillset.

They aren’t prepared to work hard, to earn nothing in the short-term.

You will never get a £100k e-book without writing 50 duds that turnover nothing.

It is too easy to fall into the mindset of just wanting to make money as quick as possible. Like magpies, we jump from one shiny money making scheme to the other — “the quicker you make money, the quicker your problem is solved.”

But this mindset misses the key fundamental, that without, means we wont achieve anything:


The only real way to earn ‘Passive Income’ is years upon years of consistency. You have to sink hours, upon hours into building a skillset. You can’t just wake up one day and make millions.

You have to fail, get up, and try again.

If this article has disappointed you, I would take a deep look at yourself…

Wanting success without being prepared to work for it, is the same mindset as expecting to start upfront for Manchester United, without ever kicking a ball.

You can’t FALL your way to success.

You can FAIL you way to success.

So, get to work!



Josh Waring
Solopreneur Startup

I write about my personal development journey, how I'm making money, and general life 😘 I also love a good conspiracy 😜