How to know where crypto markets are headed with the basics

Adam Shahaf
Published in
4 min readNov 22, 2017

Three months ago we began building with the goal of making tools to help crypto traders understand their markets better. We aimed to put an end to all those countless hours spent on social media in search of what people are talking about. Later on, we had wider vision in which a worthy goal would be to be the leading provider of insight and information to traders and investors in the crypto-space.

In order to create a better experience to our audience, here’s a small user’s guide to

What can you find at is currently divided into two pages: the main page and coin page.

The Main Page

Main page

On the main page you can:

  • Get a quick view of trending posts about trending coins [1].
  • Learn how many times each coin has been mentioned on social media in the last 24 hours [2](we call this “Social Volume”, and it denotes the number of coin mentions we on Twitter and Reddit), and see the ratio of change in the last 24 hours [3].
  • Sort the coins to see which have undergone significant changes in their social volume in the last 24 hours by hitting the Social Volume Change 24hbutton.[4].
  • Watch social volume mini-charts for each coins (this isn’t included in mobile) [5].
  • Search your coin and gain direct access to its page [6].
  • Sign up for updates (please do, don’t miss out our updates!)

The Coin Page

Each coin has its own page, but all coin pages are built the same.

Top of coin page

On the coin page you can:

  • Watch the social volume curve of each coin, along a time line of 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months [1]. You can also go back and forth along that time line.
  • Display a price curve in order to study the relationship between social volume and price in BTC in USDT [2](in some coins, the price curve is not yet available, but will be soon). You can also watch a breakdown of the social volume curve to a Reddit or a Twitter curve [3].
  • Use the complimentary coin <> USD calculator [4].
Trending posts
  • View top trending social media content (Reddit and Twitter, currently) related to each coin, in time frames of 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months. Content can be sorted by date or popularity [5].

How to get social media data directly to your google sheets portfolio?

Via CryptoFinance, you can get social volume count and change over the last 24 hours.

We provide social volume in the last 24 hours, social volume change over the last 24 hours, as well as on option to limit the requested data to Reddit or Twitter.

In order to have data integrated into your spreadsheet, you’ll need to add the CryptoFinance add-on and follow the instructions below.

Get volume and change data across both Twitter and Reddit:

  • Call =CRYPTOFINANCE("SOLUME:BTC") to get Bitcoin social volume in the last 24 hours. This is similar to calling =CRYPTOFINANCE("SOLUME:BTC", "volume").
  • Call =CRYPTOFINANCE("SOLUME:BTC", "change") to get Bitcoin social volume change over the last 24 hours.

Get volume and change data on Twitter only:

  • Call =CRYPTOFINANCE("SOLUME:NEO", "twitter_volume") to get Neo social volume over the last 24 hours on Twitter only.
  • Call =CRYPTOFINANCE("SOLUME:NEO", "twitter_change") to get Neo social volume change over the last 24 hours on Twitter only.

Get volume and change data on Reddit only:

  • Call =CRYPTOFINANCE("SOLUME:LTC", "reddit_volume") to get Litecoin social volume over the last 24 hours on Reddit only.
  • Call =CRYPTOFINANCE("SOLUME:LTC", "reddit_change") to get Litecoin social volume change over the last 24 hours on Reddit only.

Next post, upcoming features

Our upcoming features will cover sentiment analysis, more social media sources, more coins and news aggregation. Stay tuned.

In our next post we’ll talk about interesting conclusions that can be made with

We would love to hear your feedback. We’re available at


** Number icons in the photos were made by Pixel Buddha from

