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The Evangelical Chronicles: Crazy-Making Christian Love For LGBTQ+ People

Ken Wilson
Solus Jesus
Published in
5 min readDec 21, 2018


Many of our LGBTQ+ congregants are steeling themselves for a visit home for the holidays — and a dose of crazy-making Christian love.

Crazy-making love combines the real warmth, kindness, and affection of kinship bonds (the kind of love we often associate with mother-love in families) with religiously-nurtured disapproval.

How does it manifest in the evangelical world? First, a little background (skip this paragraph to get straight to the point.) Evangelicalism is profoundly shaped by the holiness movement (think John Wesley, the Great Awakenings, and the Black Pentecostal church ) — with its emphasis on conversion followed by “sanctification” understood as living according to a clearly spelled-out moral code. Add a bid dose of certainty with virtually no room to question who those six “clobber texts” really apply to. Then reinforce the code as it applies to LGBTQ+ loved ones under the banner of “speaking the truth in love.” Because the purveyors of crazy-making love believe they have a moral duty under God to make their disapproval clear (while maintaining a loving posture). All of this is overshadowed by a belief that every day in every way our eternal destiny is on the line (everlasting glory or eternal conscious torment). Thus, Evangelicalism breeds an emotional atmosphere in which the…



Ken Wilson
Solus Jesus

Co-Author with Emily Swan of Solus Jesus: A Theology of Resistance, and co-pastor of Blue Ocean Faith, Ann Arbor, a progressive, inclusive church (