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Vatican Issues a Sugar-Coated Call to Action Against Some Vulnerable Kids

Ken Wilson
Solus Jesus
Published in
7 min readJun 12, 2019


In a recently released document, the Vatican asserts that responsible educators shouldn’t go along with all this transgender business. Parochial school teachers should fall in line, and Catholics (including public school teachers) should “bear witness” to the absolute gender binary fixed at birth, for the good of gender-confused kids and their parents. (The Vatican news release for the document emphasizes this: “In particular, it is addressed to Catholic schools and to those who, inspired by a Christian vision, work in other schools.)

I read the entire 31 pages and it was eerily similar in tone and strategy to an 89 page document written by my former denomination (Vineyard USA) in response to a modest proposal I made in 2014 to give pastors leeway in deciding whether to perform weddings for same-gender couples or ordain gifted and called LGBTQ people. That experience gave me some insight into how the game of such documents is played.

  1. Give it a dull, non-alarmist title.

The Vatican’s version of this is “‘Male and Female He Created Them’: Towards a Path of Dialogue on the Question of Gender Theory in Education.” A real snoozer, nothing to worry about, right? An olive branch, even! The sub-title makes it sound like the known-to-be-traditionalist church wants to open a…



Ken Wilson
Solus Jesus

Co-Author with Emily Swan of Solus Jesus: A Theology of Resistance, and co-pastor of Blue Ocean Faith, Ann Arbor, a progressive, inclusive church (