Your Digital Product Has 7 Seconds To Make A First Impression

Shai Tubul
Soluto by asurion
Published in
4 min readJan 31, 2021

First impressions matter, possibly more than you realize. Within the first 7 seconds with your product, users will have developed a solid impression of it.

In this article, we’re going to show you how to optimize a user’s first digital experience, in a way that led our digital product to a 54% increase in our user retention period.

We all know the importance of succeeding in the first interaction with a user. Most of the time we only have one chance to impress the user, and we won’t get a second chance in case of failure. During a face-to-face meeting, we would (1) say hello, (2) listen to the user’s needs, and (3) show them the value they can get from our product. But how do you take these actions in a digital product?

When trying to create the best digital experience for our users, we focused on a few principles from the world of face-to-face meetings:

  • Greet - say hello to your user and introduce the product.
  • Listen - let the user tell you about their needs.
  • Give Value - show the user what they can get from the product.

We designed and developed different experiences based on these principles and measured them using A/B testing. We defined the key for success as to the customer retention following the experience.

In the next paragraphs, we’re going to show you some of the experiences we created, and how our users reacted to them.

Our Product

Before jumping into the implementation, we want to give you a brief explanation about our product, so you’ll understand the context.

Asurion Home+ is an insurtech product that covers the tech in your home.
It covers common devices, like laptops, TVs, gaming consoles, etc., and also provides 24/7 tech assistance and a variety of digital features to make our customers’ tech life a bit easier.

Select Devices - 1st Experience

Since one of our main features is tech device protection, we thought about creating an experience that will show the users which of their devices are protected.

  • Greet
  • Listen
We let the users choose the devices that are relevant to them
  • Give Value
For each device, we show its unique protection benefits

The reaction we didn’t want to see…
Although we thought this experience would make the protection value clearer, it seemed to actually confuse the users. They didn’t understand why they’re seeing a counter for the devices they chose, or why there’s a price summary. It led them to think “Are we limited in the number of protected devices?” and “Are we going to be charged the presented price?” So, we decided to remove the numbers section at the bottom, and it led to a huge improvement!

Users preferred this experience

Top Services’ Matching Game - 2nd Experience

Except for the tech devices protection, we also offer 24/7 tech support, so we created a new experience that is focused on this value.

  • Greet
  • Listen + Give Value
Letting the users choose services that might interest them

This showed good results, but we still saw room for improvement
This gamified experience was received positively by our users and showed an increase of 15% in the retention period over the Select Devices experience. But 15% wasn’t enough for us… so we kept iterating :)

Know Our User Questionnaire - 3rd Experience

After the success of the 2nd experience, we decided to continue with gamified experiences. This time we wanted to show many of our product’s features, instead of focusing only on 1 main feature, and learn what interests our users, so we built a gamified questionnaire.

  • Greet
  • Listen + Give Value

We saw significant improvement in the users’ reactions!
This experience received a lot of applause and eventually brought the best results - a 54% increase in our user retention period. The users really liked it and got the feeling that we care about them. We also gathered a lot of information about each user’s interests during this experience, so we can give personalized attention accordingly.


When trying to optimize your user’s first digital experience, try to give attention to the following:

  • Create experiences that are relevant to your product.
  • Define parameters for success that you can measure.
  • Always present 2 different experiences at the same time for A/B testing.
  • If an experience is not performing well, don’t hesitate to replace it.
  • Learn what worked well in an experience, and focus on it.
  • Choose the right audience for each experience.
  • Follow the ‘Greet’, ‘Listen’, and ‘Give Value’ principles.

Good luck! 😊

