Open for Investing 24/7: An Introduction to Open-End Funds on Solv V3

Solv Protocol Team
Solv Protocol
Published in
4 min readJul 25, 2023

The early wild days of astronomical DeFi returns have faded as the industry matured. Nowadays, securing high returns demands nimble strategies that quickly adapt to trends and manage risk — a task that can be daunting for many. So how can everyday crypto enthusiasts still pursue those returns? Crypto funds are the answer. By tapping into these professionally-managed funds, investors can leverage expertly-devised crypto strategies for potential high yields.

While existing crypto fund products, predominantly from CeFi platforms, provide an avenue for investment, they often lack transparency, leaving investors in the dark about their operational details. What’s needed is a secure, trustless platform that allows investors to discover, evaluate, and invest in reliable funds with confidence.

This is where Solv V3 comes in — allowing everyday investors expanded access to real yield across DeFi, CeFi and tradFi by leveraging proven fund strategies run by professionals. At the same time, Solv V3 offers fund managers seamless access to liquidity and lower costs , enabling them to scale investments efficiently and optimize returns. By bridging the gap between investors and managers, Solv V3 fosters growth within the broader crypto market.

Solv V3: Decentralized Fund Platform

Solv V3 is a decentralized fund platform offering diverse assets, strategies, and structures for institutions and individuals. The platform has two key features:

1. One-Stop Fund Shop

An all-in-one platform for creating, trading, and settling crypto funds on-chain. Our smart contracts give investors full transparency and control over their investments. Access a wide variety of assets including DeFi, CeFi, and TradFi to build a diversified portfolio diversify using advanced strategies like arbitrage and CTA tracking. Tiered share structures enable customizable risk management tailored to each investor’s needs.

2. Reliable Risk Control System

Security is our top priority. We partner with prime brokers, custodians and experts to build a decentralized service network focused on protecting your investment. Our multi-signature custody and 24/7 oversight provide ironclad security. Institutional coordination gives robust protection so you can invest with confidence.

Solv V3 Fund Issuance Exceeds $158M, Validating Demand

Currently on Ethereum, BNB Chain, and Arbitrum, Solv V3 has attracted over 10 fund managers and issued 40+ funds in 3 months, totaling over $158M in assets under management including USDT, USDC, ETH, WETH, BTC, BTCB, CAKE, and BIT.

Solv V3 Platform Funds Overview

Note: The table only shows completed settled funds, active funds are not included.

Are Your Stablecoins Idle in Your Wallet?

Stablecoin funds are generating average returns of 12%. With protections like collateral, first loss buffers, liquidations, and insurance, the probability of principal loss in these funds remains low — similar to Aave and Compound (offering 2–3% yields). The top performer is the iZUMi Fund — Junior Tranche which has achieved 31.6% APR by utilizing a tiered structure to segment risk and return.

What’s the Best Way to Earn Yields on Your ETH and BTC?

ETH and BTC funds average 8% and 4% returns, obviously, far above ETH’s 0.5–2% and BTC’s 0.02–0.1% on Aave and Compound.

Why can market making funds provide such stable, high yields?

Solv V3 accommodates diverse crypto fund strategies across DeFi, CeFi, and RWA. Current funds utilize the strategy of market making on DEXs like GMX, Uniswap, and iZiswap.

So why invest in market making funds over individual market making?Pro market makers as fund managers:
- Use sophisticated hedging to minimize impermanent loss
- Provide real-time monitoring for faster reactions

New on Solv V3: Open-Ended Funds

With a proven track record of managing over $158M for 200+ institutions, Solv now opens exclusive institutional-grade funds to you through open-ended structures. As the name suggests, open-ended funds allow continuous and flexible access for investing and redeeming.

Key features:

1. Purchase Anytime — Buy fund shares at latest NAV whenever you want.

Note: Each fund has a launch sales period (usually 7–14 days) where shares are purchased at NAV=1.

2. Redeem Anytime — Withdraw your investment on request, processed periodically. Cancel requests before cycle closing.

3. Up to 10 Year Duration — Fund life extended to 10 years, allowing more time to meet return targets and earn higher returns.

In a nutshell, Solv’s open-ended funds offer you the flexibility and convenience that was only available to institutional investors. You have the freedom to withdraw your funds whenever you wish, while benefiting from active management designed to enhance yields.


  • July 31st, 2023: Launch our first open-end fund with details coming soon.
  • August 2023 — Launch ETH benchmarked strategy on LSD
  • Q4 2023 — Launch RWA-related strategy funds. Integrate external NFT lending platforms for fund share collateralized lending.
  • Q1 2024 — Launch open-ended master funds and corresponding token incentives
  • Q2 2024 — Launch secondary trading market for fund shares

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Solv Protocol Team
Solv Protocol

Decentralized Asset Management. Diverse Assets. Savvy Strategies. Optimal Risk Management.