Today, we’re announcing a new initiative to support the delay and prevention of COVID-19 transmission, including access to Solv’s video telemedicine platform for free. We’re making this available across the US to urgent care clinics, primary care physicians and other providers on the front lines.

As we all recognize, we’re in a chaotic and uncertain time due to the global impact of COVID-19. At Solv, we are amazed and humbled by the relentless work that healthcare providers across the country are putting in to fight the outbreak. And, we are grateful for the convenient care providers who are on the front lines of helping patients get access to the right care — now and every day.

We’ve been sprinting over the past several weeks to help our partners with solutions to slow the spread of COVID-19. At Solv, we help more than a million patients every month connect with the right healthcare provider, and we take seriously our responsibility to help slow the spread of COVID-19 in our communities and across the country. And, as testing becomes increasingly available we will work to share it on Solv.

What we have done.

Our focus has been supporting our healthcare partners who are on the ground, working to keep patients, physicians, and staff safe. In a matter of days, we’ve helped to guide at-risk COVID-19 patients into telemedicine visits or call ahead of their visit to prevent the spread of infection. We’ve also put real-time digital questionnaires in front of staff to enable compliance with fast-changing protocols.

And it’s working… in Seattle, one of the first regions significantly impacted by COVID-19, a shift to telemedicine allowed a major health system to increase their virtual visits by over 800 percent. And in New York, where some offices have closed due to COVID-19, providers have used Solv’s Video Telemedicine capabilities to continue patient treatment remotely during self-quarantine.

But we have much more to do.

That’s why today, in partnership with the Urgent Care Association (UCA), Solv is launching two new initiatives to further support providers — including urgent care clinics, primary care physicians and other providers on the front lines across the US:

  • Free video telemedicine: Every convenient care provider in the US now has access to three months of Solv’s telemedicine platform, which allows patients to schedule video calls and talk to a provider remotely. As reported, telemedicine is the safest way for providers to contain the spread of infection while continuing to administer care.
  • Free resources for providers to increase patient awareness of COVID-19: Based on CDC guidelines, we have designed door stickers and high-impact in-clinic signs that provide triage and prevention tips to keep providers’ waiting rooms and staff safe at ease.
  • COVID-19 assessment bot: In partnership with health systems we have developed an online assessment bot that helps triage COVID-19 cases and is entirely customizable to fit each health system’s evolving triage requirements and clinical protocols.
  • Drive-through treatment sites. With our queuing software, we are working to power “drive-through” COVID-19 treatment sites, that we hope to then make available to other groups and hospital systems across the country.
COVID-19 assessment bot

We are committed to these efforts to aid in the delay and prevention of COVID-19 transmission, and keeping providers and staff safe while administering care. In the coming weeks, we’ll continue to find ways to work with the broader healthcare and public health communities to get through this quickly and successfully together.



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