Bulgarian Prime Minister visited an archeological site on the territory of our subsidiary

Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2018

On 15 August 2018, the Prime Minister of Bulgaria and the Minister of Finance visited the Archeological site “Provadia-Solnitsata”, situated on the territory of Provadsol, a subsidiary of Solvay Sodi, where they were welcomed by the executive director of Solvay Sodi and Solvay’ country manager for Bulgaria, Mr. Spiros Nomikos. The delegation, which consisted of the District Governor of Varna, the Mayor of Varna and the Mayor of Provadia, got acquainted with the latest discoveries of the archeological team, led by the Deputy Chair of the Bulgarian Academy of Science, Professor Nikolov.

The prehistoric complex site “Provadia-Solnitsata” presents the remains of the oldest salt-production center in Europe (5500–4200 BC) which became the first prehistoric city in Europe (4700–4200 BC). The site is situated 6 km away from the town of Provadia, on the territory of the brine production plant Provadsol which is supporting the archeological excavations from their very beginning in 2005. The archeological site consists of a settlement, fortified by stone walls (a citadel), a salt production complex, a ritual site and a necropolis and occupies an area of about 130 ha.




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