Better Lives with Care.Wallet: Maternity Care

TuumIO Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 27, 2019

Throughout the world, over 300,000 women die each year from problems that arise during pregnancy and childbirth. Where about 700 women die each year in the US, the World Health Organization (WHO) reports that approximately 830 women die each day worldwide.

All women deserve maternity care that is consistent with the best available research on safety and effectiveness and that supports the natural processes of pregnancy and birth. Unfortunately, too often women don’t receive such care.

Too few women, for example, get the prenatal care they need to get off to a healthy start. Fewer women are taking prenatal education classes, and more women are experiencing high-risk or complicated pregnancies. In the past decade or so, care such as testing for pregnancy complications or getting info on pain relief options during labor has become more complicated. Yet the total time a woman spends in prenatal visits has been reduced. Just imagine, the typical woman may have as little as two hours with her doctor or midwife during her entire pregnancy!

In a follow-up survey of Listening to Mothers participants, many women experienced pain, physical exhaustion, and sexual problems lasting months after birth, as well as shorter-term problems, such as infection and re-hospitalization. Most had some symptoms of postpartum depression in the two weeks before the survey, and nine percent of mothers appeared to be suffering from childbirth-related post-traumatic stress disorder.

Solve.Care’s Care.Wallet can help prevent or manage these problems with Care.Cards. The How Are You Feeling Today (HAYFT) Care.Card allows everyone, regardless of age and/or ability, to keep friends, family, and others in sync on their health. Users of the Care.Card share their health observations with a doctor, family member, friend, or anyone who cares for or about them. A HAYFT Care.Card is made with elderly parents, young children, family, and friends in mind. It is easy to use, allowing anyone to answer a simple question every day about their health and wellness to quickly document how they feel.

Pregnant women can easily share their health condition with a doctor, be updated about best practices about the current stage of maternity care, and get live recommendations from a doctor in just a few clicks using her Care.Wallet. Together with a transportation solution, it is much easier to schedule a doctor’s appointment and be there on time.

All these solutions can help pregnant women take care of themselves and their babies in a much easier way, so they can spend more time experiencing the joy that goes with welcoming a new member to their family.

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