Solve.Care Moving in Leaps and Bounds in 2019

TuumIO Blog
Published in
4 min readJun 1, 2019

Milestones and Achievements, January — May 2019

Also check out The Top 8 Things Solve.Care Accomplished in June 2019.


Solve.Care partnered with Lyft ridesharing company in the first integration of transportation and healthcare to provide non-emergency medical transportation. The integrated solution will empower Solve.Care Care.Wallet holders with greater access and control over healthcare related transportation. Care.Wallet users will be able to schedule their own Lyft rides to doctors’ offices, hospitals, and pharmacies. Additionally, patients can automatically pay for the ride with their Care.Wallet and share ride costs with their family members, employers, insurers, and others.

Solve.Care partnered with HMS Technologies to broaden its health information technologies portfolio and enhance client services within the U.S. Federal Sector. Solve.Care will provide HMS access to its platform to launch Care Networks for US veterans and other populations.

Widus Partners was hired as Solve.Care’s exclusive financial adviser. Solve.Care has entered Asian markets a year earlier than planned. Widus Partners will help Solve.Care accelerate its expansion, assisting with business strategy, finding equity financing, and forming partnerships.

Solve.Care hired two public relations firms. Solve.Care hired Wachsman as its PR Agency of Record. Wachsman is a global communications consultancy specialized in blockchain, finance, and emerging technologies. They are helping Solve.Care further its mission to simplify healthcare and are working to drive awareness of Solve.Care’s use cases and of the benefits of blockchain technology in the healthcare industry. Chains Asia helps manage and promote Solve.Care in Asia, particularly in the Korean market.

Solve.Care partnered with Delchain. The company will provide Solve.Care Wallet clients an opportunity to acquire and disperse SOLVE tokens from the market. When clients need tokens to sponsor their network or pay participating wallets, they will be able to interact directly with Delchain, which will carry out the transactions.

Solve.Care became a business partner with National Association of Accountable Care Organizations. NAACOS is a member-led and member-owned nonprofit organization that covers over 330 ACOs across the US and works to improve the quality of care, population health and outcomes, and healthcare cost efficiency. With this new partnership, Solve.Care has gained the opportunity to share its solution for efficient healthcare management with the US’ most prominent healthcare organizations.


In May, Care.Wallet for Family 1.1 application was updated on Google Play and the App Store. New features include a new design, new card for non-emergency medical transportation, and automated approval process of user transportation requests. Also, security for personal data was further strengthened.

Solve.Care launched the Care.Card Factory, highly experienced teams dedicated exclusively to creating specialized Care.Cards.

Solve.Care launched the first class of Solve.Care Academy for UI/UX designers. Six students began the intensive course, where they will advance their skills in UI/UX and product design.

Solve.Care created two new illustrated storybooks, groundbreaking formats for understanding healthcare. How to Pay for Healthcare using SOLVE and How Care.Wallet transforms healthcare

The Solve.Care team participated in the Chestnut run to support cardiac care for children. By taking part, they helped raise more than 100,000 dollars for charity.


Solve.Care created a new tradition: the Community Spotlight. Achieving the company’s mission requires the support of a global community. And some of the members in Solve.Care’s official Telegram group have stood out and helped in more ways than expected. To express its gratitude, Solve.Care started the Community Spotlight, a way of recognizing exceptional community members with a Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Contribution to Solve.Care Community Development, and a branded t-shirt.


Forbes wrote an in-depth review of our Care.Wallet solution and talked about how the partnership with Lyft will affect the future of Solve.Care. The partnership was also the top story in Fintech Times’ news on developments in blockchain. And, not to miss out of the groundbreaking news, The Cointelegraph also featured the Solve.Care — Lyft partnership and the new era of medical transportation brought to the patients and their loved ones.

Solve.Care won Most Innovative Blockchain Project award at the Blockchain Life 2019 conference in Singapore.

How Solve.Care’s client Arizona Care Network (ACN) uses Care.Wallet. Dr. David Hanekom talks about how Arizona Care Network has put Solve.Care Care.Wallet for Physicians into practice

ACN won a NAACOS Innovation Award for their implementation of Solve.Care Care.Wallet for Physicians.

Blokt released an in depth look at Solve.Care and how it’s reshaping the healthcare landscape.

In a Medium “Solve.Care & HMS are breaking new ground together”, Pradeep talked about new partner HMS Technologies, the work they’re doing, and what Solve.Care can provide.

Deloitte asked CEO Pradeep Goel and other industry experts to provide insight on the consulting giant’s latest findings in blockchain space.

Disrupter Daily interviewed Pradeep to understand how Solve.Care uses blockchain to transform the healthcare business, and what the future of the industry holds.

In their podcast Around the Block with Jeff and Dave, the two commentators interview all the blockchain movers and shakers, and Pradeep was one of their first guests. Listen here and skip to 18:19 to listen.


CEO Pradeep Goel regularly holds live sessions to educate Solve.Care’s community on company progress and SOLVE token economics.

Here’s a compilation of all the live sessions Pradeep has done with the Solve.Care community. We’ll add new events, keeping this list up-to-date.

For time stamps and more, watch the originals directly on YouTube.

Following the first two webinars, Pradeep conducted a Q&A session to answer community member questions. He answered everything from why he’s spent so much time in Asia to what the our community can do to help Solve.Care achieve its mission.

Keep up-to-date with all of our latest announcements by following Solve.Care on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Medium, and Telegram.



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