Better Lives with Care.Wallet: Diabetes

Solve.Care Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2019

California is home to roughly 40 million people. One of the four main “target” conditions is diabetes. According to a 2016 UCLA study, “more than 13 million adults (46 percent of all adults in the state) are estimated to have prediabetes or undiagnosed diabetes. An additional 2.5 million adults have diagnosed diabetes.”

Properly managing diabetes is difficult. And, with childhood obesity climbing, the challenge is even greater. Children and young adults need more guidance and tools to tackle this very serious condition. Without assistance, it is difficult for them to take control over managing their diabetes, which can lead to major health problems down the line.

Solve.Care is working to change this. Our team is already looking at using IoT to integrate data from fitness trackers, glucose monitors, and other devices to Care.Wallet, which would help medical providers and family members monitor a child’s progress. With a Solve.Care Care Network, sponsored patients, their supporters, and their care teams can better coordinate care and head off the risks of complications.

These are only a few of the ways we’re working to change how diabetes is managed and improve healthcare outcomes.

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Solve.Care Blog

We write about how Solve.Care is redefining the cost and convenience of healthcare around the world.