Better Lives with Care.Wallet: Diabetes in Canada

TuumIO Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2019

Diabetes Canada reported that, in 2019, 11 million Canadian citizens live with diabetes or prediabetes, and the rates continue to rise in the country, with one in three Canadians having been diagnosed. The cost of treating the disease have taken off from $14 billion in 2008 to around $30 billion this year. Yet, Canada does not have a nationwide policy to address their diabetes crisis.

Dr. Jan Hux, President and CEO of Diabetes Canada, says that “The high prevalence of type 2 diabetes is alarming and calls for urgent action. Knowing whether you are at risk for diabetes or prediabetes and the understanding there are actions you can take to prevent type 2 diabetes can and will improve the lives of Canadians.”

Like all people with the condition, Canadians with diabetes tend to live shorter lives. And, they are also more likely to lose their vision and be hospitalized for amputations, kidney failure, heart attacks, strokes, and heart failure. Care.Wallet can help reduce the effects of diabetes in Canada.

Using Care.Wallet, patients can manage their prescriptions and appointments, and use a How Are You Feeling Today (HAYFT) Care.Card to monitor their health. They can track and share their blood sugar readings and other vital measurements in a few clicks. Doctors can then monitor their patients’ conditions in real time and give care recommendations without having to wait for appointments.

When it does come time for a doctor’s visit, it’s never been so easy with Care.Wallet’s built-in transportation solution. Care.Wallet also allows family or friends to play active roles through Care.Circles, so that patients’ families are always up to date on their loved ones’ diabetes management.

Solve.Care is revolutionizing healthcare delivery and taking concrete steps to stop and reverse the rise of diabetes across the globe.

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