Solve.Care Academy for Designers Graduates Join the Team

Solve.Care Blog
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2019

The Solve.Care Design Team has two new additions! Two UI/UX designers, Viktoriia (right) and Tetiana (left), recently graduated from the very first class at the Solve.Care Academy for Designers. We spoke with both women about their experience in the academy, what they think about the technology behind healthcare on blockchain, and what they want to achieve with Solve.Care.

Viktoriia :

After being asked what she’ll be doing here at Solve.Care, Viktoriia (pictured) said, “I really want to make our platform more user friendly, while at the same time keeping it aesthetically pleasing for everyone. You could say I want to have the Solve.Care platform have both feng shui and function!”.

We also asked Viktoriia how she thought about the academy experience itself.

“I really liked that the academy gave us the opportunity to work on a functioning and active product from the very first day! The atmosphere in the company was very orange, meaning very comfortable. I also really enjoyed the chance to present my work twice to the CEO!”

Being one of the top students, Viktoriia was offered a design position, and just finished here first week at work! She said that it went by, “very actively! There was a lot to do from the very first day. And the coffee is really good here too!”

Tetiana :

We also asked Tetiana (left) if she could think of anything unexpected about Solve.Care, and healthcare on blockchain in general. She told us, “I’m really surprised at how I feel about the product I’m helping to create. At many companies, their mission is just so much marketing. Sales and profit margins take priority, but at Solve.Care, it has a real impact. And the technology is amazing!”

When asked about what she liked about the Academy, Tetiania said, “I liked that we had a lot of freedom. We had real tasks, which dealt with a real product. But we didn’t have any of the limitations. We were accessed by our creativity, which I really liked!”

Just like Viktoriia, Tetiana just had her first week here at Solve.Care.

“My first week was really active! Maybe even too active! I liked the feeling I had, which I guess I could describe as a bit of fear, and excitement.”

The first class of the Solve.Care Academy for Designers was made up of six UI/UX students. The group of highly talented women was selected during a competitive application process. The Academy consists of a two-month course, especially designed for early-to-mid-career professionals. The top three graduates received job offers and the chance to implement their knowledge in real projects, with Viktoriia and Tetiana accepting.

Solve.Care Academy offers young professionals a two-month intense training on domain and technology that will help them upgrade the necessary skills for working in a healthcare on blockchain industry. Learn more about the Academy here.

We are so excited to welcome these two professional women to the team, and can’t wait to see what they have in store!



Solve.Care Blog

We write about how Solve.Care is redefining the cost and convenience of healthcare around the world.