Solve.Care token sale extended till April 30 and token price pegged to crypto!

TuumIO Blog
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2018

Solve.Care Community, we heard you!

We are pleased to announce changes to token sale based on feedback we received from you all:

1. CAN token sale has been extended for 2 weeks, till April 30, 2018.

a. You now have the time many of you have been asking for.

b. We can not extend it anymore so please complete your due-diligence on or before the deadline.

c. We are here to answer all your questions and will do another AMA with our CEO next week

2. CAN price has been pegged to crypto

a. All open sale buyers will receive 6 000 CAN/ETH, 120 000 CAN/BTC

b. If you already bought, you will get additional tokens if your ratio is lower

c. All adjustments to your purchase will be automatically made, before April 30, 2018

We truly appreciate the feedback from our community and want to share our exciting progress:

1. Theodore Waz has joined the Solve.Care Advisory Board

2. 70% of CAN tokens have been sold and we expect to sell out before April 30

3. We recently published an AMA with our CEO Pradeep Goel

4. We are in discussion with major clients in the US and around the world

5. Care.Wallet goes into production in less than 45 days

More Details About Why CAN Is Now Pegged to Crypto

We heard a lot of requests from our community to either extend the sale or rest the price in ETH and BTC to address the current cryptocurrency market conditions.

We want to welcome as many people as possible to the Solve.Care family. After all, our mission is about you and we want you to be involved from early on.

So, to enable you to join our project, we are pegging the price of CAN tokens to crypto for all participants of the token sale. The peg rate is 6 000 CAN/ETH and 120 000 CAN/BTC, regardless of the market price for ETH and BTC.

If you have already bought CAN tokens during the sale and the CAN/ETH or CAN/BTC conversion rate was lower, we will automatically adjust the number of tokens you will receive. The additional tokens will be sent to your dashboard wallet before the end of the token sale.

We believe that this decision gives current investors a fairer opportunity to contribute to Solve.Care and also fair to token buyers who joined Solve.Care during the pre-sale (since no pre-sale participant has a CAN/ETH or CAN/BTC ratio of less than 6 000 or 120 000 accordingly)

If you have any questions, feel free to send them to us and we will answer them during the AMA session which will take place next week.

Join us in our mission to change healthcare for the better, for everyone!



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