Adesina olaoluwa samuel
Solving Complex Problems
7 min readApr 10, 2021



Dataville Research LLC Mission Statement

Our mission is to deliver innovative, evidence-based solutions that advance the interests of local people, clients, and partners. We at Dataville Research have a vision of a peaceful and prosperous Africa where people have the opportunity to attain their potentials and participate in the future of their communities.

Problem Statement

Recruiting the right talent into an organization cannot be overemphasized as this would determine the rate of growth and output of such organizations. Like many organizations in my country, Dataville, my present place as an intern has issues with getting the right talents. After several observations, I have noticed this has to do with the lack of adaptability and zeal to improvise with little information from the present intake of interns.

The Significant Impact of this on the Organization

As an organization whose goal is to provide a solution that captures the mind of the occupants of the community, applicants for their internship training should be in line with their goals. An absence of this would serve as an impediment to the development of their overall mission, even though it might seem negligible as of now, after a long period the cascading effect would affect the organization as a whole leading to more redundancy and inefficiency.

Evaluation of the Problem Through Disciplines Like Statistics, Humanities and Natural Sciences.

The famous Steve Jobs once said, " Go after the cream of the cream. A small team of A+ players can run circles around a giant team of B and C players. " this was about getting the best of the best and keeping them. Management guru Jim Collins concurred: “… the single biggest constraint on the success of my organization is the ability to get and to hang on to enough of the right people.” Now you might be wondering how this relates to complexity and problem solving, well it might be a surprise but only a few people know the meaning of a complex problem, as most people tend to classify a complex problem and a problem as the same thing.

A complex problem comprises different areas like a nest of problems from different niches linked to each other, while a problem is associated with one area. Research related to the level of understanding employees have when it comes to complexity shows that the high complexity performers were four times more efficient in their activities and the very high complexity performers were eight times more efficient than the average talent. This high level of difference shows the reason it Is important to focus more on getting the high-performing employees with great adaptability towards complexity. Often organizations would sometimes encounter problems that are complex and require people who can link the different factors involved in such problem and with the link come up with solutions by tackling each aspect at a time, with the idea they are all interconnected and nested within each other.

Statistics can shed more light on problems by presenting them with data collected. According to the McKinsey Global Survey: War for talent 2000, Statistics from organizations that have employees with the capacity to solve low complexity, medium complexity, high complexity, and very high complexity problems had productivity rates of 50%, 85%, 125%, and 800% respectively. This result is provided by using a statistical approach to get results to prove the need for employees with a very high complexity problem-solving skill, as they will complete the task in the shortest possible time thereby giving the organization more tasks to complete and more room to grow. It can be seen here that statistics can provide solutions to problems of various wide ranges, so far adequate data is provided and the means of processing and analyzing data is followed with no mistakes, as this could cause more problems.

In humanities, factoring in the way humans think when solving problems is a very crucial aspect as cognitive reasoning is needed. Logical, intuitive, and informative processes can all be used to make better decisions when solving problems having to do with human behavior. The test carried out to see the performance rate of the employees with very high complexity problem-solving skill was also attached to a kind of drive to continually develop, which mostly can not be quantified by the amount of salary instead just by their passion or will. This is more of a qualitative fact and using scientific methods to approach this or statistical approach would not be as effective as trying to understand the employee in question, as there is no statistic to back up why such a reaction is gotten from them. Surveys could be carried out to know what’s needed for them to perform but like we know their culture from childhood might be of influence thereby making it vary. Each of the employees with the desired quality would be from a different background having another type of culture. This is not to say data does not help humanities solve problems but the data supplied has to be adequate to avoid bias.

According to Natural Sciences, the evolution of humanity is something that will continue for a long time and it can be seen with the improvement seen in today’s technology. Most jobs that require repetitive tasks without any ingenuity are easily replaced by Artificial intelligence, while this is not the case for jobs that have various nested complexity that needs logical, intuitive, and complex problem-solving skills which AI is yet to achieve. The involvement of AI has made jobs that look tedious now easy and hence the need for improvement on humans in jobs that AI can not perform to reduce any sort of redundancy as one sector would likely lag behind the other if they do not try to improve. This requires the brightest mind and those adaptable to use the tools needed to solve and provide solutions needed. An example is business analysis which is all about solving problems both familiar and unfamiliar problems faced by an organization because of the highly competitive and dynamic world of today. Considering this, I doubt that, in our lifetime, we are going to see AI replacing business analysts. Hence, it is important to have the best in such areas, besides AI lacks cognitive capabilities.

Creating Innovation as Regards to the Present Problem

Firstly, we know innovation is the creation of new things or ideas but it usually leads to the displacement of something (like the previously used method or innovation). Now in complex systems, innovation is seen as the coming together of the individual parts to create a sum greater than their parts, this is seen as an innovation in a complex system. Now, innovation can occur blindly as seen in most systems or it can be guided as seen in humans, we direct and place the innovation to occur in ways we want to achieve what we want.

Now the awareness of innovation can help my organization understand the need for it, as this can be good or bad depending on how it is monitored or directed, now all that is needed is an innovation that tackles the actual problem at hand which is having the right talent to solve complex problems emerging in the society. Innovation is the beginning of something new, it can be good or bad depending on its effect hence the need to sometimes direct it.

The act of collective learning is what brought about the advancement in today’s world. Looking at collective learning we understand that the population of people able to pass the intelligent innovation from one generation to another is the important factor. The main thing here is the connectivity, yes, the idea might be present but remember to solve a complex problem or make an innovation we have to get a sum greater than its parts as this would give the emergence of innovation. Looking at this we would understand the need for employees who can connect different links associated with a problem to provide an adequate solution to the said complexity. Just having the intelligence is not enough but the ability to connect the different parts involved in a problem is key hence we see the importance of connectivity.

In the case of dataville, if things continue without any adjustment to the type of employees taken in as interns, the growth rate of the organization will continue to be impeded, and also at a large scale, the organization might encounter redundant activities from the employees. Furthermore, the trust of clients will also be affected leading to revenue problems and an eventual collapse and fold-up, because for such an organization to thrive it continually needs thinkers who can move nimbly between different fields.

Another thing is how you communicate the innovation, the early Peruvian disregarded the advice to boil water to reduce germs because they could not comprehend the reason behind the acts, hence any innovation that’ll be accepted rapidly has to be easy to understand. Lastly, the innovation has to align with the organization’s culture and goal if not it won’t be accepted.

The most significant problem facing dataville is the acquisition of talent with adaptability to problems. Planned innovation can not be over-emphasized as the events of world war II would let us believe that planned innovation can only succeed with factors such as freedom, compatibility, collaboration, Investment, and clear motivation. Take, for example, a totalitarian society like that of Germany that made the freedom of academic research to foster innovation impossible, as science was also politicized, this led to physicists in Germany that did not find such a place conducive to depart. The absence of enough minds to collaborate and share ideas made the building of the bomb used in World war II impossible for the German but possible for the allied forces as they invested in the achievement of the bomb. From the scenario explained above it is clear that motivation, freedom to implement innovation, and collaboration from the executives of the organization are of necessity.


Devising means of ensuring continuous collaboration between the best of different disciplines that have shown the ability to perform also in areas not related to their niche is needed. We should not just employ people great in only one aspect of their life but instead, get people that have more than one or two areas of different sectors as their specialty as this would show their capabilities to adapt easily. Also, the kind of culture the organization has to adopt should ensure collaboration as connectivity is needed to ensure innovation is successful as explained above.

The implementation of this would:

I. Ensure the organization has the best of the best and also present a culture that keeps improving them.

II. The organization would have more efficient people who get tasks completed easily at a fast pace.

