A new hope — April(4) 20

Philip J
Published in
4 min readMay 1, 2020

Welcome to the monthly recap for April 2020. We hope you and your loved ones are staying safe during this pandemic and you are all pursuing social distancing as much as possible. With that being said, please wash your hands and enjoy reading our recap!



As mentioned in our last recap, we closed the inquires for new groupbuys. However, in May we will possibly open them up again during the month. Keep an eye on our Twitter account.

A helping hand

We have found new cooperation with our good friends over at Flex Workshop.
Giving them a helping hand in providing their members with free and centralized Slots for Snipes. We thank Flex Workshop and their Developers/Owners for being an amazing team to communicate with and are looking forward to new and interesting projects.



April has been a very adventurous month for us. A lot of old, new, experimental methods got clipped for various sites. Especially for Snipes, we did have our difficulties for some days but as we were on it very quick we also came up with a new method that has been working ever since. They really gave us a hard time and took a good amount of sleep from us as well. With PerimeterX being more active than ever before, we are working on the best solution we can come up with to assure a continuous and easy way to use SolydBot for Snipes and also Solebox. At the end of April, there have been difficulties with different regions for Snipes, but we are already on the right path to have them work again.

As of now, we definitely are not in the position that we are aiming for. There is still a lot to optimize to be back on where we have been in terms of stability but at least we can vouch for continuous and daily success (Fun fact: you can restart your tasks again lmao).


In the past months, we have been working day and night on SolydBot. Updates were pushed out quickly and with almost no time to test which is why we thought about giving ourselves a little bit more time to develop and also debug updates to assure more stable versions and also a more healthy life for us. The goal is to make our users be successful and we think this will be in our users’ and also our best interest.

New Features

This month we also added a key feature for captchas which is the AutoSolve product from AYCD. A powerful and amazing tool to get blazing fast and centralized captchas from a single hub.

Site status

One store that we put on hold for some time now did find its way back. The store in question is Solebox. Since we knew that their site system would change to Demandware we were already looking into it for a time so we were waiting out its eventual site switch. The result of our patience was a fully working testing implementation within 30 minutes of the switch which followed up an official update just about 45 minutes after that.

For now, we are collecting more data to not only optimize our support for Solebox but also have it as a stable and long-lasting supported site for SolydBot.



This month we reached 3000 followers which is a great milestone for us, we want to say thank you for everyone that supports and believes us and our project. The support we have been getting was more than overwhelming and it has not stopped since. We look forward to the future of SolydBot and its role in the European community.


Our success over the past month


This month came with a lot of struggles and methods being clipped but with new updates and continuous development of SolydBot, our users were able to come up with a solid (hehe) amount of success for April 2020. With over 1300 pairs of AJ1 Mid Chicago Black Toes secured by our users, we are really happy to reach a milestone like that.

Our users also managed to secure a good amount of Motion Logo Hoodies from Supreme — even with only a very small amount of users running, which gave us confidence in our Supreme implementation. Of course, we still have to work on optimization for Supreme too, but we are on the right path.

A nice little thing to add: when making the developer version of the store Solebox switch, we were able to checkout 29 Yeezy Boost 700 V3 Alvahs while testing out the new module.


Beta Phase

We have noticed that a lot of people are asking how long the beta phase will last for SolydBot so we want to give you an answer. As of now, we are working hard to optimize our currently supported stores to a point that we are more than satisfied with their implementations. Until then, we don’t feel like leaving the beta. But with that being said, our aim is to slowly find our way to the public release and try to be ready in 1 month. It’s a goal, not a set plan, so it could also take us a little longer. The perfect indicator would be, as described, a certain level of stability in the sites we are supporting.

We will announce how beta and renewal licenses are going to be handled soon enough and ultimately with enough time left before we actually move to a public version.

Question of the month?

We thought about interacting more with our supporters and the community in general so feel free to reply under the tweet for this recap and ask us a question if you like. The question with the most likes will be the question of the month and will be answered in the next monthly recap.

We hope you enjoyed our little read for the month and hope to see you on the next one too.

