Fasten your seatbelts — May 2021

Philip J
Published in
3 min readJun 10, 2021

Welcome to our monthly recap of May 2021. Not much time has passed since the last recap but a lot happened behind the scenes and we’re preparing even more. The first updates have been made and a lot more is about to come. Further explanation in the following paragraphs.


Most of you know that a good preparation is key for good execution so we started May with an intensive planning phase and stocktaking to get a glance of what's (not) working, where the key problems are and how to solve them. Due to many reasons this happened to become an underrated thing which quickly evolved into a big problem, which is why preparation and planning is more important than ever in our project.

For some insight: We came up with 4 important Topics “Sites, Features, APIs and Dashboard”, which can be split into smaller subtopics. It’s important to group the problems and determine dependencies to see what needs to be addressed first. In the past we often just chose the issue we wanted to work on without keeping an eye on more important issues. That’s why we are now assigning the issues directly to the team members and keep track of what the next important step is to move forward.


The May update included some new site additions such as Ambush (which we locked right after due to them enabling an unforeseen queue at drop), JD-Sports and Size?. These additions are just the beginning and we’re currently developing ~3 more sites which are soon to be released. As you already know these sites need to be tested and worked on in the future so we are looking forward to improving them.

We are also constantly working on already implemented solutions to improve their performance which was also case with this month’s updates. Many changes have been made to improve the bot even further in the upcoming updates and to prepare for the next releases.


We are always speaking of the future and due to many factors it’s really not easy as developers to determine the exact time of “when” said future will happen. But as already stated above we have planned a lot recently and we are really looking forward to see those plans play out over the next weeks. These updates are always require lots of work but the whole team’s motivation increased tremendously and we’re thrilled to get everything done asap.

Question of the month

Our current approach is to work as close as possible with the users and one of their most asked question was:

“Are demandware sites still being worked on?”

And there is a simple answer: Yes. We are still working with/on demandware sites and there will be even more sites in the future as well. If you think of snipes/solebox the answer is also yes, but we are currently focussing on other sites and we will come back to our old demandware solutions after we have built some kind of buffer to keep the users busy with other sites instead of relying on those two while everything else is lacking our attention. We won’t drop them from our list, they will receive updates, they just need some more time and we are using this time for new sites atm.

This month was a good start and the whole team is excited to release everything we have planned. As always thank you for reading and we will hopefully see you in the next article!

