Monthly SolydRecap — March 2020

Monthly recap, what’s that?

Philip J
3 min readMar 31, 2020


Hello and welcome everyone, from now on you can easily keep track of our lows and highs, statistics, milestones and other behind the scenes stuff. We want to give you as much insight into this project as possible.

If you are interested in the making and growth of SolydBot, you are more than welcome to read our articles and leave us some feedback.

Let’s start with March 2020, shall we?



Let’s begin with our cooperations of 2020s third month. In the past, we have already provided some group buys to selected cook groups but we have noticed a rapid growth of inquires. Here are the groups we have worked with this month:

  • SignalFNF
  • Kookgroep
  • SneakerSquadX
  • BestNotify
  • Cheesify
  • Project Z
  • The Essentials by Syed
  • ZeusNotify
  • MEKNotify
  • PY_RATES (scheduled for 1st of April)
  • VoltaNotify (scheduled for 1st of April)
  • Excluded

This month, we also announced our partnership with Cookbeast, counting our third official partnership besides Astral & CookLabIO. We will pause the group buys inquires with Excluded being the last group to be chosen for a group buy with renewal licenses for the moment.



This month started with the 0.7.10 update. Our focus was to work on our Snipes & ONYGO implementations and so we announced our drop/restock mode. These modes came in clutch for the following restocks during the month and our users were checking out daily (please don’t restart your tasks though, ffs).


After switching to our new server host and completely reworking our dashboard, users can now unbind licenses from their Discord account and device.

This new dashboard also adds our success page, which is a great replacement for a public Discord webhook channel since it’s rate limited.



With currently around 300 users and at peak over 130 users running simultaneously, we are trying to rotate the userbase by removing inactive beta license holders to invite new people that would love to use SolydBot.


We have reached another milestone this month, 2000 followers on Twitter. Thank you to all our supporters, we are truly overwhelmed by all your messages and are grateful for everything, especially for our users that believe in us and are posting their recent success.

We also published a form for interested users of the community to sign up for a beta license which really blew up and positively overwhelmed us! The form is currently closed but if you already entered, make sure to send us a DM with the code word “TIME FOR APRIL” and your entered e-mail address, we might have something for the quick ones :)



We recently had our first real bigger success on 2 of our supported sites. Our users were able to check out lots of Yeezys and our ONYGO implementation went so smoothly that we were able to secure 20 of 22 pairs of the Air Jordan OG Melody Ehsani on release.

After a lot of testing over the months, we have fine-tuned our Snipes logic which is showing its power in our recent users’ success.


Next month

Our goal for the coming days and month is to optimize the other sites we are supporting. We are constantly working on pushing new updates, working closely with our users’ suggestions and implementing new frequently asked- for features. We are looking forward to our next recap to see how far we’ve come until then.

Users & Licenses

We are setting a limit for new renewal licenses for the next while. From now on until further notice there will be no new renewal licenses sold unless communicated via Twitter. Beta licenses will still be provided but only in limited quantities.

Thank you for reading! We hope you liked our first recap and we would welcome you in the next one, if you feel like it you can also leave some feedback.

