The story behind 1.0

Philip J
Published in
7 min readSep 5, 2020

This article will shed some light on the development and thoughts behind the past, the whole update, and the future of the project. Grab something to eat and have some chill minutes while reading this story.

The beginning

Back in October 2019, we (Philip and Kian), found ourselves in a McDonalds speaking about selling 10 lifetime licenses for the piece of software we’re making for fun. After having a good time laughing about it we kinda got serious about the joke and decided to give it a try. With around 100 Twitter followers at the time and nearly no real backup we set up a Shopify store and loaded 10 licenses just to find out they were sold out in ~1 minute. At that point, things got more serious since we didn’t want people to think we just scammed them. So we started learning javascript more seriously.

One of the early versions of SolydBot

After a long time of searching for the right framework and testing different approaches we mostly messed around with the Electron framework which suited our needs best. Good to mention here is that most of the code was written between 1 AM and 6 AM and most of the sites didn’t work at all. So we kept trying, kept fixing stuff, and stayed awake until we eventually implemented some lowkey site just to realize that they changed their FCFS to a Raffle 4 minutes before the drop. Which was pretty much the rock bottom of our long night sessions. Ahh man, missing those nights. Not really.

We had many focusses and many sites we wanted to implement and tested since we had nearly no idea how they worked and how they could be “exploited”. Most of the implementations were pretty much ghetto code and rumor has it that some of them still contain some ghetto code from those 4 AM sessions. Who knows.

After some time and some testing, Kian was able to get a Bandana Bogo checkout with our Supreme implementation which worked unfortunately only for him. But still. This was one of the first successful checkouts we had and we knew that even though the implementation was bad, the system in fact worked.

The turning point

Some time passed and we stepped up our GUI game a little bit, got a fancy Akamai gen, improved our Captcha harvesting, and tried to get the first checkouts on Snipes. Snipes was/is one of the best-performing sites of Solyd and we spend a lot of time on it since not many bots implemented it and we saw potential in it. We managed to get some checkouts and after digging more into the system behind it we achieved one milestone after another. Our twitter also grew some serious reach and we were pretty happy at that point and blessed that we finally managed to implement something which was really helpful for our users and people were able to make real money with it.

Stores like Onygo seemed to be a pretty good choice as new sites so we implemented them too and after the already known to us switch of Solebox’ system we also implemented them pretty fast. So we found our main pages which we wanted to support in the first place. Not saying we didn’t want to add more, but at this time we were happy with the situation as it was.

The downsides

Every project has its downsides and speaking about them is an important part of the insight of projects like this. We are working with systems that change rapidly and that's why there are phases in which some things worked and phases where they didn’t.

Speaking of things that didn’t work. Every site changes over time and due to the fact that they are improving their protection, it’s just a matter of time until the bot doesn’t perform as smoothly, which means we need to find new ways or compromises. Finding new stuff is really time-consuming, not only the work of coding which needs to be done to test routines or particular ideas but also the time which is needed to learn a basic understanding of networking, connections, requests, and protocols. Some people already got a good understanding of what's happening when you click a button, so did we, but the fundamentals between the click and the response are getting way more complex the more you dive into the whole topic.

The update

Can we start now?

After digging into the history of Solyd and wallowing in memories you’re most likely pretty interested in the update so here we go. We didn’t want to talk a lot about the update nor did we talk about it at all in public. Only a few people knew what was happening and the rest has been left in the dark. We wanted to keep the supporters, we wanted to let the people upgrade who believed in the project as they did when there was nearly no bot in the very beginning. That's why we’re posting the update after the deadline of upgrading. So let’s finally start to talk about the actual product.

Many options, much wow

“You don’t need to reinvent the wheel” was one of the approaches we didn’t follow. Instead, we tried to rethink the whole experience of botting and figure out new ways of making stuff easier and less prone to problems. After a lot of testing and rethinking, building, and destroying we came up with a new layout. Shoutouts to a good friend of ours named Art who helped us during the very early phases of the process ❤️.

We know that most of the people in the scene prefer a CLI bot “because it’s faster” so it’s our mission to stick with the GUI and hopefully prove them wrong. We want to improve our performance more and more over time compared to the current version of the bot. With the 1.0 update, it should already outperform the old version.

So we created our new fundamentals which we were building on, that gives us many more options in terms of adding new features without entirely messing up the structure. We know it’s unconventional and it’s different but we sincerely hope you will welcome the changes.

Recode everything

The whole bot has been recoded. Not only a part of it. The GUI, the structure, how things work. Everything. That’s the sole reason behind why we aren’t adding new sites for this update. Simply because the whole focus was on remaking everything from scratch and adding new features in the upcoming updates. We also included nearly everything possible from our users' suggestions which was very helpful to gather information about what is needed.

The 1.0 Update will set the key essential for the future so that new things can be added much easier without using any ghetto code and also getting rid of the old one. The new structure isn’t made without any knowledge in JavaScript and the decisions weren’t made in a McDonalds. This update will set a new foundation for everything else to come.

Bot it in men

Last but not least we will show you some screenshots of the bot and explain a few things. Even though this is a final update we may change some colors/symbols or smaller parts of the structure in the upcoming updates. Depending on how good/bad they’re working.

The new interface (colors may vary)

The new home interface will face changes and it may look weird at first but let’s break it down. Most of the old bot tasks got plenty of similar tasks in a table and most of them can be grouped by profiles, proxies, and modes. For example, the task variations (indicated by the size) have a small color dot which lets you identify your proxied tasks. Once they’re started the whole task gets grouped by their status which results in a clean overview for any size of setup.

You can see all the sizes you are running for on one screen, no endless scrolling needed. You can see how many tasks you will run for each size and each item.

Profile section

The profile section will also face some serious improvements since you can now combine any profiles with any combination you want to create.

List section

The list section can be used for anything list related such as proxies, coupon codes, or accounts ( for possible sites in the future… :) ). The proxy colors are important for the home interface where you can spot the different task variants with their color.

The tool and setting sections contain things like the Browserfarm, Captcha harvester, user settings, log viewing export/import functionality, and enough room for the future. There are many smaller features which you will love so have fun to experience it on your own.


These are a few basic innovations and a lot more things will follow. It’s now time to test everything and fix the bugs you find. We will definitely add more sites but we will add them step by step and make everything as transparent as possible. Our approach is to include the users as testers like before and finding new possibilities to help people getting their beloved products. The key foundations are set now. We can start to roll out new stuff from time to time, it’s not stopping here, it’s the exact opposite. We are currently in the new beginning of SolydBot. Sounds like a badass Batman title.

Thank you for reading! This article summed up most of the work in the last year (especially the last months) and you just got a glance about what’s happening in the background. We wanted to keep this as a secret so that no unnecessary hype is being generated. Now, have fun using and experiencing 1.0. We can’t wait to read your feedback and are especially excited the future of our project.

